The Paparama Project ( Please Don't Shoot the Messenger )

                                                                         It's been a while I know , and forgive me for that but things in the Henwatch world have become a lot more confused as of late . Nothing to do with me personally , but feelings of I couldn't care less have been tugging at my inner workings . Tugging so hard that to even string a sentence together was like trying to exorcise a blocking demon of sorts . As you probably all know these sort of things can be rather quick to effect you , and rather slow to disappear . But methinks in the positive right now , so lets just see what I have to say shall we ?
                                                                        As most of you know being ardent followers of the henwatch blog , from time to time I come upon information that , to all intents and purposes may not be available in your local mag or newspaper . It can be of the very sensitive kind , and so in saying this I would ask everyone who reads this to keep the information within this blog secret , and more importantly hidden from those who ( as they said in the movie ) just can't handle the truth . I am assuming as always that knowing who and where you all are , that I can rely upon and trust you with this vital information update ................Let me begin .
                                                                       It has come to my attention within the last few days of certain news I have been trusted with needing an outlet of sorts . This weekend a certain Papal visitor will arrive on our shores here in Ireland . He will celebrate mass in our Phoenix Park on Sunday . He will be transported to and from in a hastily built Popemobile that will be his and only his for forever and a day . He will do his rounds as he has done before . He will bless your hamster if you get close enough . He will smile unapologetically when it is required of him , and maybe , just maybe he will perform some sort of miracle like for instance HAND IN EVERY PEDOPHILE THAT HE AND HIS PREDECESSORS  have neglected to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM . ( I apologize for that emotional outburst , that was so unlike me ! )
                                                                       That is what I would expect him to do , but alas we all know different don't we ? So without further ado let me get to the real news I have been entrusted with . As and from the 26th October 2018 ( coincidentally my wife Catherine's birthday , don't forget that ) El Papa has decided to become and walk in the true Shoes of the Fisherman , and shall donate all of the Catholic churches wealth to finally bring an end to world hunger and neglect . He shall open Malls  all over the world designed and dedicated purely for the needy of this world . I have it on good authority it will be called the PAPARAMA PROJECT .
                                                                      There have been endorsements by Bono , Donald Trump , and even our own Denis O'Brien . It has also been stressed that plates will no longer be used to embarrass churchgoers who haven't got a shilling to rub together . Yes collections will no longer be tolerated and instead the Holy See will provide for all of its flock . I have been entrusted to collect all application forms and send them on to the relevant offices within the Vatican Financial Department .

                                                                      And now for the Piece De Resistance , The Holy See has purchased an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean , designed along the lines of Alcatraz . To be used solely for the rehabilitation of men of the cloth who took it upon themselves to hide in an institution where they would always get away with their vile crimes . Importantly if after being there for 12 hours that they haven't been rehabilitated , there will be a process of chemical castration inflicted upon them ( in their senses I need add ) . And if still there is no improvement , they will be put to sleep just like a ravenous dog !
                                                                      I told you there would be good news . Now what you choose to do with it is your own business .I am just a messenger of sorts . Please don't shoot the messenger !


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