Citizens of the Fence ( You Fuc.... Sicken Me )

                                                                 BOLLOX ! If ever there was a word that defines how you can feel at any given time BOLLOX is that word . So just to be clear , anyone who might be offended by this word , and any other descriptive words I may use , here is your opportunity to stop reading this piece ! Because believe me , there is going to be a lot said , and I promise and intend not to hold back on adjectives ! Alright ?  So let me begin .
                                                                 I have always been that person who would say to themselves , that no matter what happens be it good bad or indifferent , I will never let it break my spirit . I am still thinking in that vein and will always continue to do so . But I have always promised myself also that I would never adapt a sit on the fence attitude like some of the people out there . This attitude has won me some friends , but it has also lost me some friends .It's not like I set out to offend someone , but sometimes being honest doesn't go down too well with people who would rather brush things aside and ignore shit that is staring them in the face . With that in mind I will continue .
                                                                My wife Catherine was just pointing out to me some things that she wasn't at all happy with . You know the type of things right ? The economy , the unfairness of wealth distribution , health care , self serving politicians , the poor , the homeless , and how in all honesty we have betrayed ourselves and these groups by our simple inability to object .
                                                                We will sign petitions to like this and like that , but when we are required by conscience and fairness to object to people being left on trolleys in hospitals because there is no bed for them we simply bow our heads in distaste . When our so called ministers for health and people give themselves an almighty whack in pay , while at the same time they ask you and me to tighten our belts and accept all of their BOLLOX that goes along with it . We bow our heads in distaste . When a child needs surgery or medicine that is not approved by our inept health system , they go to some foreign country who will give it to them , and then on re-entry to their home country they are stopped by customs because our country doesn't allow certain drugs to be brought in . We bow our heads in distaste again .
                                                               What is it about us Irish people ? That when things are obviously going down the tubes because of a governments inability to care for its citizens we all bow our heads with distaste again . We don't rear up ! We don't put the amount of pressure needed to move these bastards into a citizen friendly mindset . We don't say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , we accept what is thrown to us by these self serving bastards . The Taoiseach spends your hard earned taxes revamping his profile . They are forever going on junkets to foreign countries paid for by you and me . And when it comes to me or you needing a bed in hospitable for some life saving procedure , I am sorry but you don't qualify because you have gone over your earning limit by 500 euro per year .
                                                                These are the SCUMBAGS who represent you ! These are the SELF SERVING CUNTS who would rather spend your money on private schools than give it to public schools . 
                                                               We didn't choose to give up our rights to Europe ! These FUCKING PARASITES who call themselves ministers done that .And even worse still , These EURO BANKERS dictate what is appropriate and whats not .
                                                                We sold ourselves to Europe . We believed all of the BOLLOX they said and promised , and here we are now bowing our heads as usual instead of lighting a fire so huge under their collective arses , and pointing out to them that it is us who you represent and not the likes of Denis O'Brien and his filthy self serving ilk !
                                                                If I offended anyone with this piece , well then I have done what I set out to do . Wake up you citizens of the fence , and take back your lost dignity ! Because at this moment in time YOU FUCKING SICKEN ME !


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