Methinks That Line Has Been Crossed !

Le Mouvement des Gilet Jaunes ( Yellow Vests ) to us mere misunderstood victims of governmental abuse (mental being the operative word ) , have started a trend that is gathering momentum in the capitals of countries within the European Zone . It has being brewing for as long as I have been predicting it , and that is some years now . It is no longer good enough for people to vent their anger on social media , it is no longer acceptable for those apathetic opinions to simply sit immovable on so many fences . It is time for US THE PEOPLE to organize wisely , to gather peacefully , to protest convincingly as if our lives depended on it . Because in truth OUR LIVES DO DEPEND ON IT !
Our continual willingness to accept slap after slap , inflicted upon us by successive governments and parties who promised the sun moon and stars as soon as they were elected , has led us to this point in time . It is no accident that we all feel as alienated and abandoned as we do . Ongoing cuts in medical spending has seen great numbers of people die without the aid and support that is there , alas but only for those on private medical health plans . This is UNEQUAL , THIS IS UNFAIR ! Every single human being on the surface of this planet deserves to be treated EQUALLY AND WITHOUT PREJUDICE !
This Yellow Vest movement is an idea . I don't believe it has a leader or even a manifesto . As we get set to join our counterparts in Europe with the view to revolutionizing Our Health Systems , our Crippling Tax Systems , Our UNACCEPTABLE HOMELESSNESS statistics it is so very important to recognize how we have been let down by elected representatives who were supposed to look after our best interests but in the end screwed us like all of the other politicians who had gone before .
How do we know who we can trust ? Who is going to argue and negotiate on our behalf ? Who has the Genuine interests of the masses as their own ? As I said , the yellow vests is an idea , it is a new way forward . Perhaps they and us WILL BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY . They had better take us seriously , because as I have said previously on so many different levels , if they don't this Revolution , and that's exactly what it is , will be one very violent and dirty affair . It will take but one spark to ignite . It will take but one death of someone's daughter or son who were only demonstrating for a better life , to turn peaceful protest into savage mayhem .
As I write this , I have this uneasy feeling of some impending catastrophe that will visit us all . I don't like these feelings , I don't like them at all ! Methinks that line has been crossed !
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