Too Comfortable a Keyboard Warrior !

                                                                      Emotion , Explosion , Temptation , Salvation , Recession , Aggression , Taxation , Damnation ! I am but a keyboard warrior who for some reason unknown to myself , must write these things down on how it feels to be human in this 21st century . It wasn't an epiphany that got me going , rather it was the involuntary bowing down to everything life , government , the stalling of improvement in our daily lives , that has re-awakened delusions of the Utopian ideal long since surrendered and abandoned in an earlier existence .
                                                                      I have grown rather sensitive of late . I have started to actually care what someone else might say to me . I have invented stories that convince me to continue when maybe I should just let matters be . There's this constant struggle with who , why , where when and how , never ever getting the answers or the reasons to make me feel just that little bit better . No , as you know understanding and acceptance is so far from our feelings of being adequate or simply put , comfortable . At what stage of our day do we honestly feel comfortable ? Feel we have done enough , feel we have achieved maybe something extraordinary ? Do we even deserve to feel these things ?
                                                                    Save me , Save the whales , Save the Planet . Save us all more like . What is there to save anymore ? Save us from the insanity . At some stage we must stand for what is right , what is our responsibility , what has been given to us all in perpetuity before the insanity takes over . It's right there looking at you , it boils your brain every single day .The lies never stop , they never even take a rest . The huge lie of the day before is replaced with an even bigger one today . The inhumanity of humanity is so overbearing and sickening , that now it's been accepted as the norm . When did this happen ? Why , even more importantly do we let it happen . I mean we are the people aren't we ? Not these faceless assholes who make decisions on our lives without our contribution . You must do this , you must do that . You don't qualify for that because you don't have enough contributions . We cant have a breakfast after 11 am because its company policy !
                                                                   Kinda sounds like a rant you are probably thinking ? Maybe it is ? Maybe I have just had enough ? Maybe just maybe I don't want to co-operate anymore ? Put simply , maybe I am just too comfortable a keyboard warrior
                                                                   Without going deeper down this hole I am digging , I have decided to stop . I will not bore you with unpleasant thoughts . Instead I will wish you all the most pleasant of days , and may your evening be happier than you ever imagined possible !


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