
Showing posts from 2017

Positive Vibes !

                                                                     It's hard to imagine how things seem to go tits up when you're just sitting Down to relax after your Christmas dinner . You go onto your favourite media platform hoping to share in the happiness and festivities of others only to see that nothing really changes when it comes to religion and certain factions of a particular belief or religion . You kinda hope that even for just one minute people could take a break from being absolute assholes . You see there I go again hoping to see maybe some positive moves or hear some positive vibes on such a special day . I suppose that's just me being a little naive I hear you say . Well I suppose you can only try and live in hope .                       ...

Happy Christmas !

                                                                       I haven't been posting much of late . I really haven't been feeling inspired , or feeling the importance to which I would normally put on certain blogs and commentaries as a result . But something kinda grabs you at Christmas doesn't it ? Something special about the season of goodwill and all of the rest of it makes you want to make an effort where previously you couldn't really have bothered . I mean its easy to just close shop and isolate yourself . Its easy to just sit back and wait until its all over , so that things can possibly get back to some sort of normality .                                                 ...

Have the Happiest of Christmas's !

                                                                 Well take a look in the mirror , and stare at your reflection , wrap your arms around yourself , and be thankful and happy that you have survived another build up to Christmas . At this stage if something has been forgotten or was impossible to get your hands on , that was promised , take some time out and know you did your best , and anyways there is nothing you can do about it now . When the children and the partners get their presents , all will be forgiven and forgotten . Give yourself a break , you deserve to . You are the Christmas giver of merriment , you are the creator of a broad smile , you are the parent who will always provide and do your best . Because its your job doesn't come into it , this is your passing of Christmas's past and one's yet to ar...

The Words of a Mischievous Elf !

                                                                May the words of a mischievous Elf sustain you , in a world of misunderstood children trying to just make some kinda sense of it all . These could be the words of an embittered genius , they could also be the words of a kindly old gent that no one has ever taken notice of . And this little gent unknowns to us all , could be the answer to all of our prayers .You know the ones ? They are the prayers that do lead us into temptation when all we want to do is try and make each other happy .                                                                 You see the prayers of the faithful are yours mine and every...

Ah Sure You Know Yourself ?

                                                                         Ah sure isn't that always the way ? Ah sure it's always either an arse or an elbow . Ah sure if it's meant for you , it won't pass you by ! Where and who more importantly did these sayings come from ? What do they actually mean ? Are they some form of secret coded messages that only they who are part of that secret society are privy to ? No matter how you feel about them , they will either astonish you , or just plain irritate you . Or as the uninitiated and inexperienced  person said to the plumber while fixing his washing machine when told that he needs a new this and a new that , he will always reply " Ah SureYou Know Yourself " .                           ...

Everybody Fu..s Up !

                                                                        Its easy to assume that you are crazy , especially if you are crazy . Its also easy to assume you are unhappy especially if you are unhappy . There are no specific signs or feelings that can tell you that you are imagining things , that will make you feel any better . But you have to take a long hard look at your reasons for feeling that way in the first place . It all has to do with cause and effect and there is no other explanation for it .                                                                        We can all assume positions of attack or defence ...

Making Simplicity Appear Stupidly Difficult !

                                                                          Its kinda strange to imagine how someone might misunderstand or fail to know how my mind functions . Unless of course you didn't know me in any way in the first place . Then I would maybe understand some misgivings that people might have . Having said that , knowing me you will also know that when it comes to my blogging and such , I do try my best to be as honest as I can possibly be , unless of course you're in the habit of doing my head in . So having laid down that little bit of useless information , it brings me to my reason for this blog ( I can hear you say just get on with it ) , Alright , alright don't be so bloody impatient ! Anyways !                         ...

Strange Don't You Think ?

                                                                      Stephen Paddock , doesn't sound like a threatening name ! In his sixties , wouldn't have appeared to have been somewhat of a danger to his fellow man or woman . And yet , and yet he is now charged with being the killer of at least 59 people and hundreds of more injured during his display of hatred for everybody in Las Vegas Nevada .                                                                       A country & western concert attended by over twenty thousand people was sure to get everybody singing and dancing . But sudden gunfire from an AUTOMATIC rifle which was a...

D is for DIS !

                                                                       I am dissatisfied ! I am disenchanted . I am definitely displeased ! I am extremely disillusioned ! But mostly I am disheartened !                                                                       Such a lot of dis's to open a blog with . Sure look around you , how is it not possible to feel all of these things and not feel some sort of dis .                                                                ...

I Will Simply Show Them The Door !

                                                                       I have missed telling you about stuff ! I have wanted to believe me . But there have been too many obstacles that have halted my thought process , coming from a place of being able in my mind to being somewhat creative and forward , to suddenly being in a place that's dry , barren and to all intents and purposes hollow .                                                                        I will spare you the details , suffice to say for my own sanity and health , I have decided to just be the person who I have always been . No frills or strings attached . No ...

Living your life with a THRONER !

                                                                       For the life of me I fail to understand the importance in needless rushing . I understand certain people are just built that way , but for the others that aren't , its a right pain in the ass having to deal with the bullshit that comeS with someone trying to rush you . But that's only part of what I want to talk about here . I really want to talk about living in your own world so to speak . You know ? He/she is living in a world of their own , better leave them to it . We as outsiders were obviously not invited !                                                                 ...

Who will it be Tomorrow ?

                                                                    Monday the 22nd May Manchester England , just after an Ariana Grande concert , murderous terror was inflicted on so many innocents . Here is yet another terrorist attack aimed at innocent people , whose futures were wiped out in an instant . There is no understanding ! There is no comprehension ! All we can feel is shock at how yet again an evil act of terror , can take away happiness and light from people who had nothing but their futures to look forward to . Instead their collective families , and their governments will lay blame at the door of these savages who took their children away .                                               ...

Faceless , Nameless People !

                                                                        I had the strangest of experiences recently , and it has taken quite a while for me to consider even trying to write it down , and even more importantly , try to make sense of it all . Even now , as I try and explain to you the actual core of this subject , putting the words to what happened I am finding to be extraordinarily difficult . You see it's not every day you get to experience  an episode like the one that I did .                                                                        People will always complain about how their lives are going some...

When is it All Going to End ?

                                                                       Whatever your opinion in life , your stance on whats right , and your stance on whats wrong , will determine how others perceive you . You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that your support for something that is obviously wrong , will not go unnoticed by friends , and ultimately , family .                                                                        When you look at other people , not necessarily in your circle of friends , you expect them , as adults to behave in a manner that is accustom to responsibility and respect for the individual . B...


                                                                       Read this AMERICA and BELIEVE IT ! Why ?                                                                               BECAUSE IT'S TRUE ! TRUE ! TRUE ! TRUE !

It's Something we must All Consider !

                                                                        Lately I've been suffering from a condition that is very hard to describe . It has no symptoms at all to talk about , it kinda just creeps up on you . The doctor has explained to me that I have probably been suffering from this condition for God knows how long , years maybe she said . And because of its quiet dynamic , you'd hardly know you were sick at all .                                                                        When I visited the doctor , she kinda asked me some very peculiar questions . Peculiar in that I have never been asked questions of th...

Nobody's Perfect , Not Even Me !

                                                                        Knowing me , you will know that I have been around for a number of years , and am in my sixties now . Throughout that time I have made my communion , and my confirmation , and fared reasonably well at school . I have made friends , I have also probably made enemies that I am not too concerned or aware about . You see I am no different from anyone else who has grown up , and lasted over sixty years now . We all have had our good moments and our bad , but the one true constant in my life always , is that I have never sought to hurt the next person so much that it le...

Now , All We Have To Do Is Wait !

                                                                     I have been committed to all things truthful and newsworthy for as long as I care to remember . So bearing that in mind , I have to consider my position as an upholder of the virtues that I have assigned myself with . You see it can be rather difficult at times to raise people's awareness about anything worldly or items I might write about concerning the world revolution . Having said all of that , I do truly understand that its not always that easy for an individual to set aside time in their day , chasing pursuits that would normally be of no interest to them .The thing that spurs m...

I really Didn't Have Much to Say !

                                                                       From time to time I have asked myself , what does it matter whether I write something or not . Mostly it's at a time when I cannot think of anything to say to be honest . And if I think about it  , this is unfortunately one of these times .                                                        ...

Will it Not Matter a Jot ?

                                                                       How much of your day is allotted to complete freedom of thought ? How many hours of your day can be set aside for personal me time ? I can just imagine in your heads what the response to those questions are . Do I hear a what is generally the answer to that question in that there are just not enough hours in my day to do everything that's needed ? I think that would be the general consensus . Unless of course you have help to get your children to school , and help to get them home again . That sounds to me like money that would be well spent don't you think ? Or are you of...

This is a prediction !

                                                                           There are far too many people on this planet . Something really drastic needs to be done . And something even more important is happening on this planet , people are losing their jobs day in and day out . There never seems to be a let up in how things are deteriorating around the globe . If anything things appear to be getting so much worse .                                                           ...

What a Waste !

                                                                      As a parent there is no other word that can fix a problem quicker that SORRY . I'm sorry dad , I'm sorry mam , it tends to have the magical formula for defusing sometimes really  awkward and uncomfortable situations . It can sometimes bring back to the table a chance of mediation or recovery . But what makes the word sorry absolutely worthless , is the inability of its importance to influence a family when maybe there is no chance of recovery .  There is no chance of trying mediation, because either things have gone on too long , or the will is simply just not there...