Will it Not Matter a Jot ?

                                                                       How much of your day is allotted to complete freedom of thought ? How many hours of your day can be set aside for personal me time ? I can just imagine in your heads what the response to those questions are . Do I hear a what is generally the answer to that question in that there are just not enough hours in my day to do everything that's needed ? I think that would be the general consensus . Unless of course you have help to get your children to school , and help to get them home again . That sounds to me like money that would be well spent don't you think ? Or are you of the opinion , they're our children and its our complete responsibility to make sure we are always available to them , rain hail or snow ? Answers at both ends of the spectrum that sound quite acceptable whatever camp you are affiliated to .
                                                                      The fact that you have such differing opinions only goes to prove that even though you might love your children one hundred percent , you could still , given the opportunity , and the wherewithal , hand them over to in some cases total strangers who had been recommended to you by some child minding service . References were sought by yourselves , and references were delivered to you for your inspection . After close scrutiny , you decide you have found someone who is perfect for the job .
                                                                     In the opposing camp , they would look upon this sort of arrangement as being totally unacceptable no matter what their circumstances would be . Even if the money was available to do this sort of thing , they in all honesty just wouldn't avail of it for all sorts of reasons .Primarily the safety of the children , and then the education of the children . It would not matter a jot , if Jesus Christ himself , made himself available for the role of child  minder . The answer would still be the same.
                                                                    You can see how opposed each differing position is . And yet , we have all come through the same growing up process as each other , give or take a few slight differences and still we could never envisage sharing or swapping each others positions no matter what . And I know as you are probably saying to yourselves privately , it's quite simply a question of choice . But in my mind it seems to be a lot more complicated than that . Has it got to do with varying degrees of trust ? Has it got to do with something that may or may not have been passed on by our parents ? Were one set of parents more loving and trusting than the other ? Do you see where I am going with this ? There is no simple explanation when it comes to families and their responsibility to their children . You can't and should never generalize when it comes to families and upbringing . What makes sending your children to some boarding school , better or more educational than keeping them at home ?
                                                                   This little piece is dedicated to all of the children out there who have yet to be decided upon . Who have yet to know the nature of their parents commitment to their future's and their education . How will those same children look back at their parents when grown .  And how will they feel ? Will they feel different to their friends ? Or will it not matter a jot ?



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