Member's Feelings of Derision !

                                                                          I remember , a long time ago , when things were not so frantic , and when things reported to us all were never really what you might call stories that you might feel scared about . That would worry you in such a way that your sleeping patterns would be altered forever and a day . Yes , there were stories of war , murder , and political upheaval . But the reporting of such things never merited more than a corner in whatever newspaper you happened to support at the time . We could all sleep well in the knowledge that Charlie Haughey was at the helm , and if Charlie was in control not even the threat of a nuclear war would ever bother us . We were protected ! We all had God on our side . Both the Charlie God , and of course the one upstairs more importantly .
                                                                        Looking back now , and with hindsight , there was so much shite happening around us that the newspapers and the Governments of the world never felt it necessary to inform us about these happenings . We were simply not privy to anything that might distract us from our daily existence . How kind of them , to be so concerned about our mental and psychological welfare . Their thoughts for us as individuals was simply that Ignorance should be Bliss , and being what you might call interested in these things was a sure sign of your mistrust of the state and its Ministers .Nothing could have been more accurate when you come to think of it . But as always there were so many barriers put in place . In an educational sense , as well as in an industrial sense .
                                                                      We all joined our unions depending on what job you had at the time . And yes we all had rights and agreements that were duly argued and agreed to by both sides at least once every year . We would get our few percent increase , and the National Wage Agreement was put in place to placate the employers more than it did the unfortunate employees .
                                                                     Jump forward to the present and what have you got ? You've got One Big Union in control of the country's workforce , taking weekly subscriptions for services never rendered . Union membership has become your license to work , and that's it . They still believe in the Jim Larkin ideal , but fail miserably when it comes to putting it into practice . I , like many a person I have worked with

, gave up on unions a long time ago . Simply put , when every company in the country pleads inability to pay an increase to its employees that is so very obviously overdue . Well then , that same organization whose promise was to protect the working class from unscrupulous employers , deserve nothing but it's members feelings of derision !


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