This is a prediction !
Companies are moving their production lines to the Middle East and China . Gotta save money on the construction costs . Sure they can employ children in under developed countries for a pittance . The rest of the world won't notice , they're too lazy anyway . Sure all they wanna do is play their video games , watch movies and watch football games . These activities are the perfect distractions needed for big corporate bodies to flourish and grow without any piece of legislation that just might protect workers rights . Workers rights ? Wake up , they don't have any !
We can all see these things happening , but we are absolutely powerless to try and stop it . All of the Corporate words tend to get bandied around when this sort of thing starts happening . Lets start with the main one RECESSION , which leads to RATIONALIZATION , which means loss of jobs . Then we get AUSTERITY , which leads to the loss of people's homes , which leads to hardship , and in more extreme circumstances leads to people giving up , which leads to tragedy .
In my opinion as I have always stated , all of these words have been manufactured and used by big business corporations , as a way to explain and apologize for their oh so obvious CORPORATE GREED . Nothing more , nothing Less . You see we as individuals can't really comprehend how certain institutions and businesses could so easily contemplate making a family homeless and destitute . We being the sympathetic types that we are , would never entertain notions in allowing a fellow human being and family be evicted or victimized in any shape or form , without some sort of protest .The outcome may not be the outcome that most people would like , but deep down that protest and resistance is all that we have when faced with the blatant insensitive no choice positions we all at some tome in our lives are faced with .
Its really no accident that these stories of families losing everything are increasing every day . Its part of an intended plan that's so transparent . But what surprises me the most is that there is very little open opposition among ordinary people to something that if not stopped , will in all probability
lead to civil unrest the like the world has not seen before . This is not a maybe . This is a prediction !
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