D is for DIS !

                                                                       I am dissatisfied ! I am disenchanted . I am definitely displeased ! I am extremely disillusioned ! But mostly I am disheartened !
                                                                      Such a lot of dis's to open a blog with . Sure look around you , how is it not possible to feel all of these things and not feel some sort of dis .
                                                                      I have come to the conclusion that madness is rife in our existing way of life . It has been put there to confuse and deflect .
                                                                      Just look at what's happening in the world . Donald Fu..... Trump ! The people in Catalonia being systematically denied their right to freedom of expression .  The Palestinian people being systematically wiped out by Israel . You could go on all day about this shit , and still nothing is being done to knock down these offending obstacles that sicken us to our stomachs day after day .
                                                                      Are there any decent people out there ? Is there anyone who cares enough to just do the right thing when something needs to be done ? Or have we all become so denying of the actual truth that surrounds us , and has that truth just worn us down into being these apathetic examples of who we used to be ?
                                                                     Who shall we choose to be our Knight in shining armor to save the day ? Or maybe he is just waiting in the wings , unseen , unknown . Taking his time until the opportunity is there ,and right, for his sudden appearance to save us all from ourselves . Because whether you have admitted it to yourself or not , that is exactly where the problem lies . The collective WE . The Innumerable Us . We are the problem ! We know shit is happening , and we'd rather watch a movie . We see people being denied food and liberty , and we'd rather tinkle with our mobile phones . Not even doing anything of substance , and again We just turn our heads with disinterest . There's that Fu.....
word again Dis . We love that word , we live by that word ! Dis is so all consuming of our lives , and it's a FU..... DISGRACE !


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