Making Simplicity Appear Stupidly Difficult !
Its kinda strange to imagine how someone might misunderstand or fail to know how my mind functions . Unless of course you didn't know me in any way in the first place . Then I would maybe understand some misgivings that people might have . Having said that , knowing me you will also know that when it comes to my blogging and such , I do try my best to be as honest as I can possibly be , unless of course you're in the habit of doing my head in . So having laid down that little bit of useless information , it brings me to my reason for this blog ( I can hear you say just get on with it ) , Alright , alright don't be so bloody impatient ! Anyways !
Have you ever thought to yourself , having heard of a problem that someone might have , that the obvious solution is staring you right in the face ? We can all tend to go round in circles trying our level best to sort the problem out always ignoring the obvious .For instance , we shouldn't say this or we shouldn't say that for fear of offending somebody , when at the end of the day , by saying something simply , and to the point , your problem would disappear in an instant . Its having the courage to make that decision , you know is going to be unpopular when made , that would be the answer to all of your prayers . But there you go again thinking of others instead of sorting your own shit out , and so you go back to square one .
Things become difficult because of ourselves . Things are never done as they should because we always have reasons not to proceed .We tolerate mountains and mountains of shite in our lives , forever moving one step forward and three steps back , and convincing ourselves that that is the way to go . Well people , its time to find your voice ! Well people its time to raise the roofs and start getting that shit done . I mean if your car needs new tyres , you change them don't you ? If your dog is so unwell that the poor thing needs some compassion and sympathy , you do what you have to do don't you , regardless of how heartbreaking it might be . But when it comes to your existence , when it comes to your peace of mind , the back burner is a place we are all too familiar with .
When I find myself in a quandary like the one just explained , I tend to remember and remind myself of how Forrest Gump used to deal with things . Forever comparing life to a box of chocolates that until you choose and taste one , you will never fully know whether you like them or not . If only we could all do the same in that respect , and if it worked for you , and you enjoyed the taste , go for it . Cause you never really know where your choice might take you .
Have you ever thought to yourself , having heard of a problem that someone might have , that the obvious solution is staring you right in the face ? We can all tend to go round in circles trying our level best to sort the problem out always ignoring the obvious .For instance , we shouldn't say this or we shouldn't say that for fear of offending somebody , when at the end of the day , by saying something simply , and to the point , your problem would disappear in an instant . Its having the courage to make that decision , you know is going to be unpopular when made , that would be the answer to all of your prayers . But there you go again thinking of others instead of sorting your own shit out , and so you go back to square one .
Things become difficult because of ourselves . Things are never done as they should because we always have reasons not to proceed .We tolerate mountains and mountains of shite in our lives , forever moving one step forward and three steps back , and convincing ourselves that that is the way to go . Well people , its time to find your voice ! Well people its time to raise the roofs and start getting that shit done . I mean if your car needs new tyres , you change them don't you ? If your dog is so unwell that the poor thing needs some compassion and sympathy , you do what you have to do don't you , regardless of how heartbreaking it might be . But when it comes to your existence , when it comes to your peace of mind , the back burner is a place we are all too familiar with .
When I find myself in a quandary like the one just explained , I tend to remember and remind myself of how Forrest Gump used to deal with things . Forever comparing life to a box of chocolates that until you choose and taste one , you will never fully know whether you like them or not . If only we could all do the same in that respect , and if it worked for you , and you enjoyed the taste , go for it . Cause you never really know where your choice might take you .
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