When is it All Going to End ?

                                                                       Whatever your opinion in life , your stance on whats right , and your stance on whats wrong , will determine how others perceive you . You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that your support for something that is obviously wrong , will not go unnoticed by friends , and ultimately , family .
                                                                       When you look at other people , not necessarily in your circle of friends , you expect them , as adults to behave in a manner that is accustom to responsibility and respect for the individual . But alas , your expectation and your hope can and does at times leave you quite frustrated and annoyed with someone else's particular view and behaviour . What 99% of the population would see as a no brainer , that one percent can really mess your head up in what they say and do . And when asked why they decided to act like a cupid stunt , they just answer sure I never meant any harm now did I ?
                                                                       What is it about thinking clearly and responsibly do some people not get ? What is it about sticking your arse firmly on a fence that some people find so appealing and so obviously ineffective ? Then they start blaming everybody other than themselves for the shite they find themselves in .
                                                                       It has taken us all a long long time to evolve . It has taken misunderstanding after misunderstanding to finally get to the point where there is absolutely nothing that can be misinterpreted , because the explanations to your questions are right there in front of your collective faces . And yet ! And yet they still keep tuning into a reality that is simply there to confuse and entertain . A reality that is so far from the simplicity of truth that people would rather do nothing else but immerse themselves deeply into something that has seriously no substance.
                                                                      When someone decides to act out some weird fantasy they have just seen in a movie or on some playstation game , we cynically say ah sure he mustn't have been well in the head . He probably didn't get a good start in life and the playstation was probably all that he had . But we never ask ourselves the obvious , like why and how did it get to this . Why are more and more people being engaged with all things virtual . Virtual friends , who really couldn't care less if you lived or died . And in some circumstances actually encourage other people to harm themselves , and cheer them on . It's messed up to be honest ! When is it all going to end ?  


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