Nobody's Perfect , Not Even Me !

                                                                        Knowing me , you will know that I have been around for a number of years , and am in my sixties now . Throughout that time I have made my communion , and my confirmation , and fared reasonably well at school . I have made friends , I have also probably made enemies that I am not too concerned or aware about . You see I am no different from anyone else who has grown up , and lasted over sixty years now . We all have had our good moments and our bad , but the one true constant in my life always

, is that I have never sought to hurt the next person so much that it left scars on my memories .
                                                                      I have tried to be as honest , and as candid as I had to , when being candid and honest was the right thing to do . It kinda felt right , and when it didn't feel right I knew I was doing something arseways .That happened to me a lot . I am no better or worse than the next person , and I have tried to live my life in that vein . And when most importantly , I have had things to say and do , I have done so with no malice a forethought , ever ! Things were said and done in such a way so as never to give the impression of wanting to make someone suffer any consequences that my actions may have inadvertently caused . Consequences were never the reason to say or do something . Consequences were always the result of something that was either not done properly , or something that was said or done without previous forethought . As we all have experienced , actions be they good or bad , can have surprising , and sometimes dire consequences .
                                                                    What can and often does annoy me the most , is when someone calls into question the reasons behind my actions or comments on any given subject . When for all of someone's life I was supportive , and made myself continuously available at all levels for their natural progression , and then suddenly as if out of the blue , I don't have their best interests at heart . I no longer am supportive . I no longer care about their progress in life . It seems to me that I have either had a personality change , or I have joined some mind bending cult . To which I can safely put my hands up and say , I neither joined said cult , or am aware of any personality change that might have been forced upon me . No I can honestly say , that I have not changed my outlook on life , nor has anyone else influenced me or coerced me in any strange way recently . I think if something like that was happening , my family and friends would be the first to point it out , don't you think ? They neither have , and so I am of the opinion that all is well with regard to my outlook on life .
                                                                   You see there are many ways to get something done . And just because you take a particular road , doesn't necessarily mean that it is the right road . The secret is to tell yourself that nobody is perfect . Decisions made previously are not set in stone . Minds and roads can be changed at any time . All you really need is the will and belief to know when something is just not quite right . You don't have to persecute yourself over your decision . To change is not a sign of weakness . To change is a sign that you are ready to start over again . Nobody's Perfect . Not even Me !


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