Happy Christmas !

                                                                       I haven't been posting much of late . I really haven't been feeling inspired , or feeling the importance to which I would normally put on certain blogs and commentaries as a result . But something kinda grabs you at Christmas doesn't it ? Something special about the season of goodwill and all of the rest of it makes you want to make an effort where previously you couldn't really have bothered . I mean its easy to just close shop and isolate yourself . Its easy to just sit back and wait until its all over , so that things can possibly get back to some sort of normality .
                                                                      There are people who have their decorations up since October / November and they wouldn't have it any other way . God only knows what they'll do  when the New Year is over . I'm opening a counselling room in early January for those who maybe are finding coming down from Christmas a bit of an ordeal . I know in advance that they will have to be treated with kid gloves . So just in case someone you know is in a bad way , just forward my e/mail address to them , I will always have room for one more addict .
                                                                     With all of that said , I am easing my way into the Christmas spirit . The dog has gotten a new bed for Christmas . I have treated myself to some new pyjamas . I've bought a couple of bottles of some nice cognac for myself , so not all is lost . My wife has made the traditional Christmas puddings and to be honest they look particularly tasty this year . Maybe it has something to do with the extra drops of brandy I slyly put it when she wasn't watching , while we were doing all of the mixing . Either way , its going to be very tasty .
                                                                      I will finish this piece with the best of wishes to all of my friends ( and enemies ) , and especially my family for the Christmas and the New Year . Just make sure you're stress free , and if that's not possible , Just call me I have some nice stress relievers I can lend you okay ?
                                          HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY !
                                          PEACE AND LOVE AS ALWAYS XOXOXOX



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