Everybody Fu..s Up !

                                                                        Its easy to assume that you are crazy , especially if you are crazy . Its also easy to assume you are unhappy especially if you are unhappy . There are no specific signs or feelings that can tell you that you are imagining things , that will make you feel any better . But you have to take a long hard look at your reasons for feeling that way in the first place . It all has to do with cause and effect and there is no other explanation for it .
                                                                       We can all assume positions of attack or defence , but if there is no room for understanding , neither of those positions will in any way change what will always have the same outcome . There is no right or wrong . There is just a feeling of misery . Doesn't even matter how we got there , it only matters if we are strong enough to leave there . And that is the real test . That is what we all need to understand .
                                                                      Maybe by being  from an older and different generation , maybe my priorities make me want to hold on to things . Make me want to treasure moments in time that ordinarily could be easily erased
. My philosophy in life has always been to hope that as individuals , we can all have a little bit of happiness . We can all have the freedom to express ourselves . But we also more importantly have the chance to mess up and not be crucified for the rest of our lives .
                                                                     There have been times that I have messed up . There has also been times you and the rest of the world have messed up . Is that how we define ourselves ? Are our mistakes how others see us ? Its true what all of the old sayings in life have to say , you know the one's ? You can do 99 good deeds , but you will always be remembered for the one bad one .
                                                                    You see that's the thing about human nature , EVERYBODY FU... UP ! Everybody is human , doing their level best to just either fit in , or trying to do their utmost to impress each other . Sometimes your best is not enough . Sometimes there is no escaping what is staring you straight in the face . And unfortunately , sometimes you just have to walk away . Sometimes it's just that simple ! 


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