Ah sure isn't that always the way ? Ah sure it's always either an arse or an elbow . Ah sure if it's meant for you , it won't pass you by ! Where and who more importantly did these sayings come from ? What do they actually mean ? Are they some form of secret coded messages that only they who are part of that secret society are privy to ? No matter how you feel about them , they will either astonish you , or just plain irritate you . Or as the uninitiated and inexperienced person said to the plumber while fixing his washing machine when told that he needs a new this and a new that , he will always reply " Ah SureYou Know Yourself " .
We never actually want to be found out not knowing anything about a particular subject .We try our best to follow parts of a conversation that is just a little bit off our level of understanding . We try and look absorbed . We try our level best with passionate nodding and comments like " I know exactly what you mean ", when in truth we haven't got a clue .But no matter , we held our own , and nobody was any the wiser .
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