You'll be Unpleasantly Surprised !

                                                                    Good to see Candyfloss reality was so well received . It didn't really take too much imagination to put it together . Its what we all feel . Its what we all have endured , and fought to rid ourselves of . But its like what Julian Assange has said and admitted , that the war on trying to safeguard your privacy has been lost . We have submitted to all of society's demands , given them complete and total permission to invade our homes , with our smart televisions , and accepting all of their contracts and conditions in relation to downloading apps on your phones . Have you ever looked at the conditions you are accepting , when you agree to giving them free access to your photo's , your private messages , your whereabouts ? Next time you are accepting some condition demanded by these sites and apps , check the agreement out . You'll be unpleasantly surprised .
Whatsapp's Terms and Conditions .



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