Smiling at a Stranger !

                                                                   I am sitting here at my laptop wondering just what it is that needs to be said . I am in a state of utter confusion because brightening my keyboard is taking a lot more out of me than I ever had expected . It has created the appearance of illusion , and trying to make some sense of it all is beginning to get a lit bit tedious .
                                                                  Trying to put words together , and it making sense is what appears to be the problem . You see we are all made aware of happenings and events , filled with pictures in our minds of how things are meant to be . Putting the information and the images together is what makes our understanding of these things easy , our own personal interpretations . Nothing is black and white . Nothing is yes or no , everything and I mean everything is full of grey areas and maybe's . And to be honest that's what makes opinions often so diverse , you'd wonder are these people looking at the same image , or the same story as you or me ?
                                                                  Its like for example one hundred people might be reading a religious text in some holy book like the Bible or the Koran , where the words never change , and the stories remain the same and have done throughout history .But everyone has a different take on what they have just read . Is it stupidity , or an inability to comprehend the written word , that makes half of those readers see red and the other half see blue ? A truth , or even a story , has one message , and that is the message of the writer . Not your interpretation or understanding of what he wrote . All that I have written here is simple and to the point . There are no hidden meanings in my words , there is nothing to get confused about here . And that is how it should be .
                                                                  I have learned from experience that analyzing and dissecting every bloody word that might crawl from someone's mouth , is an exercise in futility . You might look at someone and by chance make some passing complimentary comment about the way they look , and they completely take you up the wrong way . As if your observation was meant to be insulting . When someone compliments you , accept it for what it is , and don't dissect why that person passed that comment in the first place .
                                                                 We have lost sight of the meaning of our words . We are lost in understanding and translation .If someone smiles and says hello to us , we ask ourselves is this person taking the piss or even flirting with us . For fuck sake its only a smile , for fuck sake they are only saying hello . Why have we gotten so cynical and uncaring toward others ? Why does someone have to have an ulterior motive when all they want to do is share a smile or a hello with you ?
                                                                 Do yourself a favour next time a stranger smiles at you , smile back and wish them well , its amazing how it'll make you and them feel .


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