Was I Really Born To Be Pissed Upon Like This ?

                                                                      Throughout the year your friends are trending this and trending that . They show their liking for things the usual way as we all know , and they also show their dislikes . They show their ups and of course their downs , and a lot of the time you have to read in to some of their postings merely to get some sort of understanding of how they are feeling at any given time .
                                                                      The up comments and postings are pretty obvious , I mean you don't have to be a brain surgeon to understand their euphoria when something good happens . But you also have to examine and try and understand when the postings are a little dark and maybe not so euphoric . That's where being a friend , a family member comes in and gets you thinking that not everything is pretty and happy in some of their lives .
                                                                     They post daily sayings about how they are feeling . and a lot of the time the postings they put up are very good , as words of wisdom and advice can be . And from knowing these individuals you will have a little insight in to what they are trying to say . But do you know where the problem lies ? Well they put up these really good words of advice , and in some of the cases the advice can be spot on . But what happens ? The very advice they are giving themselves , they completely choose to ignore . They know how it needs sorting , and they keep telling themselves how it should be done , but they fail to realize that they themselves should always be their first consideration . Not the thing or the person who is bringing them down .
                                                                    So from a not too wise old man , I give one little bit of advice to anyone who will listen . For you to have any sort of well being , it is crucial , it is demanded by me , that you first look at yourself and ask the question , Was I really Born To be Pissed Upon Like This ? When you answer that question honestly and without prejudice , then and only then will you have some peace !


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