For Once , Think About You !

                                                                  Why , especially at this time of the year , must you put so much energy and belief into something you know in your heart and soul is never going to change . I understand that nobody wants to believe that things aren't going to change , but they continually put themselves and others through the same old drama day in day out week in week out .Today , and every other day as well is for the people who care about you , who want to make sure that you are happy . Its not for people who you would love to change , but by their actions throughout the year you know there is just no chance in that happening .
                                                                 No one likes to feel that they have abandoned somebody , but by their actions it
is easy to understand and agree that its you who has been abandoned not them . They don't understand that you have always been there for them , you have always had their best interests at heart , but they continually let you down . At some stage you have to say to yourself , if these people cannot change with the help of others , well then its time for them to do the right thing and do it on their own 
                                                                 Its like any sort of addict , be it drugs , alcohol or even gambling , these people will never , repeat never come round unless its them that make the decision to do so . And as much as it might upset you , that's exactly what you have to give them , their freedom to f... up . Everyone does at some stage of their lives , f... up , the lesson to be learned is for it not to continuously be the center of their actions . Somebody who doesn't learn from failure will always blame somebody else on their messing their lives up . Everyone is to blame other than themselves . They take so much good energy away from you that at times you really don't know your arse from your elbow .
                                                                 So if you are one of these people who continually drain other peoples lives and resources , grow the fuck up , and for once take responsibility for the shit you have put yourself in .
                                                                 This is a general view on life , not a criticism of any individuals living or dead . It is my opinion , and like arseholes everybody has one . I have seen too many good people taken advantage of throughout my life to just sit back and say and do nothing . The worst thing you can do is ignore said behaviour , it is a danger to you and everyone else who may be caught up in such a tense and selfish situation . But be bold , be strong , and for once think about you .


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