See you All on the Other side

                                                                       What is it about the passing of time that always makes you want to revisit certain things . If only I had have done that instead of this , if only someone had shepherded me in the opposite direction I wouldn't have made a mess of things . You see time can be like a snail passing , it can also be like an express train flying through your living room . A sense of time depends on how your mood is , or what kind of drama you are experiencing at any given moment .
                                                                       Take for instance this day last week , it was Christmas Eve and everyone was up to their eyes in preparation and anticipation , and here we are now a whole week later and its New Years Eve . I don't know about you , but the last week has felt like a blur it has gone so fast , and that's exactly what I am talking about .
                                                                       As soon as the New Year has opened , and we are into our stride , we will be wishing our lives away waiting for the next bank holiday , or a weekend away , or planning for our holidays if you have that sort of choice . We never seem to stop and take account of exactly how our time is being wasted on stupid things .To appreciate time and its passing , just look at all of the people who have lost love one's this year .I guarantee , knowing and experiencing what they know and have experienced recently , they would have appreciated their time and their mortality a whole lot more .
                                                                       Its not until you get a little older that these things spring to mind . Throughout your life you feel invincible , nothing and no one could stop your progression in whatever direction you see fit .But then something happens to call a halt to all of your preparations , something sinister is developing and suddenly you are made so aware of you're not being so invincible . You're not as untouchable as you first thought . You have just lost someone and nothing matters anymore . You are inconsolable and suddenly your whole world is transformed . Not a particularly nice experience , but one that is sure to be had by every single person living .
                                                                      So as we move toward our New Year , slow down a little . Give yourself time to experience things . Take a little longer when you look at your children and family . Give them all millions of hugs and kisses that maybe you haven't given them before because of your hectic lifestyle . Think more about you . Think of the things that make you happy , and stop wishing your life away . Remember always , you have one shot at this . Don't make yourself and others miserable by dwelling on things you just cannot change no matter how you care or try .
                                                                     Make 2016  a happy year for you and yours , because at the end of the day , that's really all that matters . Have a good one and be safe .
                                                SEE YOU ALL ON THE OTHER SIDE ! XOXOX


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