Calling it as You See It !

                  Does it not drive you to distraction the news you are allowed to read about ? Does it not annoy you that every newspaper , every tabloid , every magazine you buy , is full of the same TRIPE the media throw at you ?
                  Even news programmes are full of the information they will only allow you to access. Have a look at the list opposite and think . Is this the way you feel items that are newsworthy are never reported properly . Or are you quite happy the way things are ? And if you are , there is no point in reading the rest of this blog , because it simply doesn't apply to you .
                                    Just thought I'd add this little ditty , it so reminds me of the relationship between these two Christian Zionists . Trying to convince us all that Palestinians are a threat to Israel , when in fact these two comrades are complicit in the GENOCIDE of the Palestinian people , and do so shamelessly and openly .

This poster kinda speaks for itself  , you'd wonder what The United States had in mind ?
                            Mr Netanyahu ,you must be so proud of the slaughter you have inflicted on Palestine . While the Palestinians are shooting BOWS AND ARROWS to try and save their land , just look at what Israel is now using . Bullets that shatter into 300 fragments upon impact . Check out the poster opposite and make up your own minds .


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