Living With The Fear Factor !

                                       Now I know you could be excused for thinking that I am anti-American and anti anything American , and that is anything but the case .I am anti everything that suggests that some small body of people should dictate how the worlds finances , corporate and personal ,should be under the control of one family and their minions .
                                       Whether you are aware of that or not should make your own personal bullshit antennae stand on end . The fact of the matter is that a certain Lord Jacob Rothschild who happens to be at the helm of the family's banking system is The Controller of our world finances . He will admit to it , and is proud of the fact that he has most of the worlds banks in his pocket , and more importantly in his debt .
                                        Now that's a fairly wide ranging statement don't you think ? To imagine that one family have that sort of influence on our daily lives is pretty scary . To imagine that they have the wherewithal to unleash World War 3 on us all is a damning reflection of what they are really about . They are so caught up in Zionism and religious secret institutions , that to know about them all would be pretty mind blowing , but that they are !
                         They control Presidents , they control Kings and Queens , they basically control the world . And I know what you are probably saying to yourselves , here we go again another conspiracy theory , and he has no proof or facts .Well to that question I will always answer , check it out . Don't be an ostrich always burying your head in the sand , because you are too afraid of what you might find .
                         Every day of every week of every year these people are sending out bulletins of fear to be consumed by me you and the rest of us , and most of the time we lap it all up . Its called living with the fear factor , and they want you that way . Fear creates uncertainty , it also creates instability , and when things become unstable they send in their politicians to promise you this that and the other to temporarily appease those fears . No point in having the masses in a state of hysteria .
Make up your own Mind !
                         They created I.S.I.S for exactly that same reason .The representatives of these families including the Rothschild's and the Rockefeller's are presidents of supposedly democratic nations . Israel's Netanyahu , America's ex president Barack Hussein Obama , France's president Hollande . England's David Cameron , why do you think they all wanted to bomb Syria ? Maybe its because they now feel guilty for having supplied weapons to these terrorists in the first place . Maybe its because they all financed slaughter in the name of freedom . Methinks there is an ulterior motive , methinks they are all greedy bastards who want every resource that country has to offer . Methinks its about OIL . Methinks it's about GAS . Methinks its about  agreements President Assad of Syria made with President Vladamir Putin of Russia that the United States and the E.U. weren't privy to !
                                                                                                              In conclusion , this has all been done before , in Iraq . And we all know full well that the Iraq's were robbed by the American's and The English . Nuclear weapons , remember ? They never found any . Millions of Iraqi's died as a result . The world is full of greedy bastards , scoundrels with smiles on their collective faces . A monster doesn't have to look like a monster , he merely has to show his intentions .  


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