Spare a Thought !

And she still has reason to SMILE !
                                                                    Man its here again ! That time of year you either love or despise . Its can be a time of great joy and happiness , but it can also be a time of great emptiness and sadness .
                                                                   Christmas , though a Christian festival , is celebrated throughout the world . Muslims celebrate it , atheists celebrate . even pagans celebrate it , and all for varying reasons . The reason for everyone doesn't matter , what's important is the fact people get a chance to sit down with family , and reminisce .
                                                                   You will see plenty of exuberance and over indulgence , its what Christmas is all about . The adults , if given time , will be playing childish games , and the children will be trying to play adult , especially if they are in their teens . There will be plenty of nostalgia about , and unfortunately some of it not good . So it is good to avoid these spaces at all costs , no need to make a bad situation any worse if you know what I mean ?
                                                                  Do you know what I love about Christmas ? Its the faces . Its the expressions not only of the children but the

adults too . The sheer anticipation and planning is what the season is all about . You're never going to get everything right , and please with a little bit of luck , there won't be any unfortunate toys that don't work on Christmas morning . Now that's the ultimate nightmare . How do you explain to a child that their Christmas presents from Santa are knackered ? How do you get them to understand that sometimes these things happen while Santa is in delivery mode ? Not an easy one , so just in case , get some sort of explanation ready , it may not happen , but better to be prepared don't you think ?
                                                                 Spare a thought for those of us who will either be working , or who are sick at Christmas . Spare a thought for those wonderful doctors and nurses who deserve more than they will ever know .Spare a thought for those poor bastards who have to live out under cardboard . Spare so many thoughts for those who are less comfortable and fortunate than ourselves . Spare some thought for anyone who is living under the threat of persecution , both political , and domestic .
                                                                 Its so hard at Christmas to get your head around the fact that some people out there are seriously unhappy at Christmas and the New Year . They hate anything that reminds them of either their loss or the way things used to be and may never return again . Spare them some consideration , Lord knows they need it !


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