The Loss of Trust !

                                  This will be my last political piece before the Christmas period . Throughout the year I have been very vocal with respect to America's involvement in anything subversive , and the length's it will go to oppress and justify its terrorist agenda . They have given all sorts of excuses for their actions , and do you know someone out there must be listening , because The American people's acceptance of anything politically American has risen to a new high of self doubt . And that's a real good thing , as heretofore all of the bullshit emanating from that Completely Independent City State of Washington was believed and accepted without question . Funny how things change .
                             When you think of all of the poor disgruntled and ultimately misled soldiers who have died thinking that they did so in service of their patriotic duty and country , when in fact as the poster above explains it was simply in service to the Rothschild's family's war mongering Banking Empire . It kinda belittles the loss of young men's lives and their families sorrow , when you think that so much money is made in the name of patriotism . From the moment you are born in the States you are force fed the belief of respecting the flag and dying for those beliefs . And that is why you see so many veterans giving back their medals in protest . Don't think for one minute that the actions of these vets is anything other than a protest , it is in fact a statement of intent . A statement of their collective reluctance to buy all of your American politicians lies . It is a statement of the Loss of Trust .                                                                         


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