Deflecting Responsibility !

                                                                   When will people ever learn ? When will they stop blaming others for their own doing  ? They go through life blaming anybody other than themselves for all of their woes . Why won't they just take responsibility for all of their actions . You see that would be too simple , and that would be admitting that they have basically f..... up . They don't even realise that there are ways back from their situations , but no they simply dwell on them .
                                                                   The generation of non acceptance , the generation of everybody else is to blame . And it just doesn't stop there in personal issues , its happening everywhere . The world is so full of denial , ( and as the man said , its not a river in Egypt ) that I will simply apply a tag to it and call it the blame game .
                                                                  We can be all guilty of it , not wanting to own up to our collective responsibilities , that its so easy and simple to just blame outside influences , or simply someone else . You are given a life , you are given freedom of choice , you are given a past a present and a future , and how you decide to fill up these times is down to you . Your decisions , your choices and inevitably your  consequences .
                                                                 Its up to us as parents to listen , support and help in any way possible . That's part of the job we take on . But what isn't part of that job , is someone else's choices with regard to themselves being dropped at our doorsteps .You make a choice , that's considered self determination , you make another choice , that's called self motivation . The common denominator here is choice .
                                                                If you want someone to be responsible , you have to give them responsibility . And it starts with responsibility for themselves . Everything else will just fall into place . It may take a while , years even , but in the end they just have to learn from their mistakes . And its not my fault or yours if the choices other people make are the wrong ones .
                                                                Like a lot of people out there , we can bury our heads in the sand , hoping that everything will turn out fine . We all do this , its called deflecting responsibility . And the sooner those heads are put back on their respective shoulders the better . These are my mistakes , and I will take responsibility for the repercussions .



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