Fill me Full of Platitudes (The Eternal Cliche)

                                                                  Where does your private life start and your public life as we all know it begin ? Is there room in your daily routine to protect your privacy anymore ? It appears the answer to that question is a resounding no . And why do you think these elements in a typical daily passing , are not worth minding or considering as your space any longer ? Unfortunately the importance of our needs and our requirements have changed considerably over the passing so many years . So much so a lot of your identity has been lost in the pursuit of modernization .
                                                                  Take any typical family , two parents and 2.4 children . They started out with so much energy for their future , so many goals to achieve , so many plans to implement . They possibly looked back at their own childhood and asked themselves how can we improve on what our experiences and childhood was like , if any . But there were so many weren't there ? Where our parents unintentionally failed in our view , and considered our generation as mechanical and too liberated , we were not going to let our children suffer the same fate . No we would simply throw all of what we learned out the window and start from scratch . The things that frustrated us most would never be allowed to enter our kingdom . Our kingdom was going to be one of continuous friendship and levity . And once introduced to this new regime , sure the children would just slot in like it was second nature . In our view .
                                                                 But like all of the best laid plans , there appeared flaws in that regime . Direction was unintentionally replaced by the equality of opinion . Parenthood was replaced by friendship , without consequences . This was all done to promote freedom of speech , freedom of thought , freedom of attitude . But it never took into consideration their honest demands for rules , for standards , for pride in their feelings toward their parents . These were to be considered by the way . These were never going to be something that was relied upon to be a character trait that would serve them for the rest of there beautiful lives .They became victims of modernization .
                                                                We are all guilty of that misunderstanding . We have all wanted to improve on what has gone before . But children being children , always want their own way . Its not rocket science , its their way of presenting themselves as fully matched human beings . Its their simple way of declaring war on what we might consider convention . To be unconventional is to be inspirational . To be unconventional is to be awkward and adventurous . To be unconventional is to be rebellious , in our view . Certainly not in theirs .
                                                                Though thousands of years have passed , and children have grown up through revolution after world wars . They have gone through unimaginable horror and joy , with us as parents standing alongside them , to raise them up
whenever they might fall . That is the least we can do for them , that is our constant employment in life . They will always be our worthwhile and loving responsibility , but unfortunately they may not particularly like us for it ! .


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