What a Bummer !

                                                            I hate to report this , but I went out in to the garden today and had to trim back everything . It's official the garden growing season has finished . I have been holding out for as long as possible , but you can't fool nature . It has told me in no uncertain terms to cut everything back and prepare the garden for winter .
                                                           I hate this time of year when it refers to the garden , its like saying goodbye to something that has entertained you since these last six months , and won't be seen again for another six months .
                                                          But there is one up side to all of this . Because there was so much cutting back to be done , it gave me plenty of slips to plant so that there would be an even bigger show from my rose trees next year . It will take time for them to grow , but when they get up and running there will be no stopping them . I will furnish you as always with pictures of these fantastic happenings , but unfortunately you'll have to wait a while . What a Bummer !


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