Lessons Learnt ! Part 2

                                                                 I know its easy to simplify information , when you want to talk about history . I mean all we can go on is somebody else's reporting of what really happened . And sometimes some of the truth gets lost in translation , it kinda happens a lot doesn't it ? You now know we have established that history and its telling , is nothing more than a story put together by hopefully a respected author . And the more respected the author is , the more truthful the story . Well that's what you would expect .
                                                                But what I've found in life is that everyone in a position of power , be it government or whatever , more often than not, has a self satisfying ulterior motive , a self benefiting agenda lets call it .
                                                               Lets just examine how such an agenda , how such an ulterior motive can rob people of their will to live . Rob them of their meager existence , because in lots of cases that's really all it boils down to , a meager existence .Because of  greed and power hungry bastards in this world , this is what we have come to .We have learnt nothing from our past , we have chosen to move in the opposite direction to sympathy and care for the next person . We are becoming , the very thing that we despise , simply because we are now of the opinion if you can't beat them , we may as well join them .
                                                              Once , a long time ago there were countries everywhere who governed themselves correctly and fairly . There was consideration for your neighbour . There was thought for the elderly with regard to their physical and emotional needs . What have we got now ? We have the United States screwing up an eco system , we have them invading every country on the planet that has either great oil or gas reserves .We have their Oligarch bankers overthrowing every monetary system in the pursuit of a New World Order .
                                                             At one time countries had control over their own currency , over their own future . But not anymore , there remains very few countries in the world who are not part of the Rothschild family banking system . And because its so fresh in our minds , lets just remind ourselves of one , who at the moment , Has no connection to a Rothschild bank .Has no debt to the International Monetary Fund ,Does not import or produce G.M.O'S , Who are very aware of the New World Order Agenda ,Has Oil and Gas resources , Does not support Israeli Apartheid , And is the last Secular Nation in the Arab World .
                                                           SYRIA     YES       SYRIA . Surprised ?
Do you think that that is reason enough for the American government to want Syria to collapse ? Or maybe you think all of this is pure supposition ? Either way , everything that is on the poster above has been proven ,and is accurate prior to going to press . 
                                                             Now that you have been informed about America's ulterior motives , and hidden agenda's , don't you think its time to share the knowledge ? You may believe that everyone is informed , but believe me they are not .True terrorism has always emanated from the White House , they have a greed that is insatiable . Like a bully in a playground , they need their ass whupped ! Please Please Share .


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