Palestinian Children ! Who Speaks for Them ? Part 2

                                                                Now having read my previous blog , you kinda get a picture of inequality . You get a distinct feeling of something not being fair or balanced . The statistics as well as the details of how many are being killed an maimed in Israel as opposed to Palestine . For too long we have turned a blind eye to the suffering of these people . We have ignored their calls for help and above all justice . They were thrown literally to the wolves of  Israel and the wolves of The United States . Not one news service took up their plight . No one  was interested in a country that was being ripped apart by a pro Israel United Nations , and their lands confiscated and given to the Jews .
                                                               Now all deaths are tragic . Death under any circumstances is a loss to one's family that will never be made better . Time is a healer yes , but when you are confronted by death on the scale that is happening in Palestine this minute , and has been for many decades , you tend to get used to it . Death becomes a regular part of life .You are no longer surprised by events that are happening day in and day out .
                                                               Did you know that since 29th September 2000 there have been 133 Israeli children killed as a result of the war ? Since that same date 2065 PALESTINIAN CHILDREN HAVE BEEN KILLED . In total , Israeli deaths have amounted to 1200 , and in total PALESTINIAN DEATHS HAVE AMOUNTED TO 9,200 . Injured Israeli's 11,500 , Injured PALESTINIANS 76,700 .Daily aid to Israel 10.2 million dollars , and to PALESTINE 0000000000000. Demolition of Israeli homes 0 , and PALESTINIAN HOMES 28.000 . And current ILLEGAL settlements on Israeli land 0 , and ILLEGAL settlements on Palestinian land 260 Jewish only settlements and posts .
                                                              If you look at all of these details , I think there SEEMS TO BE A PATTERN , don't you think ? Even I with my limited training and education on this subject , can see who is being shafted . I can also see who is doing the shafting . And because the sharing of information is suddenly made easy , because of the internet , its not possible to fart at the top of Mount Everest without it being made public knowledge ten seconds later . You see Israel , The United States , and the United Nations can no longer hide behind a mask of secrecy anymore . Edward Snowden has proved that . Julian Assange has proved that also .
                                                             Now what needs to happen next , is that some conscientious objecting group need to bring all of those treasonous bastards to justice . Barack Hussein Obama ,and  Benjamin Netanyahu need to be tried for treason. David Cameron who continues to be the biggest seller of arms to the Arabs , and all of his counterparts also need to be brought to justice for the slaughter of millions of innocents .A tall order I know , but wouldn't it be so satisfying to see all of those smug bastards put away for their collective treacherous actions ? We live in hope !
Please feel free to visit , you will find a wealth of information on this subject .

                                                            Having written this piece in 2015 , both parts , Its as important now as it was then ! SOMEBODY FOR FU.K SAKE FREE PALESTINE !

Alison Weir Founder of !


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