America the Liberation Destroyer ! Shame on You !

                                                        I see the good old United States of America is at it again , reporting on how Russia have brought in to Syria hundreds upon hundreds of prefabricated buildings as they need to establish a secret military base there . I mean it must be true , the usual suspects have been reporting it . CBS , FOX News , all of the usuals who bring you nothing but the truth . NOT !
                                                       When the intended use for these buildings is to simply home the homeless refugees in Syria . Pure and simple , but as always never shirking the chance of stirring it up , the American news service paints a totally inept and distorted picture of what's really happening over there .
                                                       Never throughout their involvement over in Syria , have the Americans brought aid to the Syrians in the shape of what they actually needed . There was really no point was there ?Why bring homes to the homeless when the group calling themselves I.S.I.S , who were created by the U.S.A and the United Kingdom , and don't let us forget the Israeli's , when they were going to destroy the place anyway . There was no real point in trying to help these Syrians , sure they were all probably terrorists anyway . Lets just set these mercenaries on them and lets see what happens . But we have seen through your transparent smokescreen , we know what you've been up to .
                                                      Isn't it strange how the Americans have lost countless loads of arms and transport vehicles to the I.S.I.S MERCENARIES ,only for us to be told subsequently , we have made a couple of mistakes . Instead of us dropping parcels of aid to the suffering , we inadvertently dropped weapons and HUMVEES . Wow now that was a whopper .
                                                     The American Intelligence service seems rather retarded at this moment in time . They seem to think that people will accept any old bullshit they care to deliver . Sure the people of the world won't know what's hit them , lets send them something else to occupy their collective minds while we blow the shit out of everyone . Lets bring the Pope to Washington , that should be a nice distraction . Lets create another diversion by saying that the we've discovered water on Mars . Distraction after distraction . Do you know something America ? You are so full of shit the smell can be had over here the other side of the planet .
                                                    Do yourselves a favour , and do what you should always have done , keep your fu..... noses out of business that doesn't concern you . You are no longer the John Wayne of this planet , plotting to save the world . America the liberation Destroyer would be more apt . SHAME ON YOU .


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