Stand up and Have Your Say !

                                                              I have been avoiding the news as of late . I am trying a new strategy in life , I am promoting all feelings of positivity . If the sky fell down I would look for somewhere to sleep it off . If Enda Kenny was assassinated and the rest of his crew were put to the sword , I would look on the positive side . Though , on reflection that is a positive side .
                                                             If my wi-fi signal got lost and there was no way to communicate , I would simply read a book and be done with it . I am trying my best here to be positive , so go along with me .You see you want to see the positives in all of the negatives that are out there . There has to be a flip side . There has to be a direct opposite to what you are seeing and experiencing . There just has to be hope of some description , doesn't there ?
                                                            When you cross that threshold that you know has gone forever , that couldn't care less attitude . You are suddenly faced with who you really are . There is a new awareness about you , there is new activity in your brain , and you kinda like it . You start wanting to learn more about your fellow human beings , you want to devour all the historical facts that you can muster . You start learning about things you never thought possible , and you are now in a position to chat and argue about current events .
                                                           This transformation has been long overdue . You have tried your best to stretch it out for as long as you can . But there is no going back on this . There will be times your brain gets so worked up and concerned , because of your wanting to change things . You will get exhausted from all of this thinking and caring . But because you have suddenly evolved , that tiredness will be taken away in an instant when you find and like this new person that you have become .
                                                          Like me you will want to share any little bit of information you feel is relevant . You have got to believe that there is someone out there that you can reach , if only for a minute . But just think of the pleasure you will get from having touched somebody with your tiny little brain cells . You may arouse somebody's curiosity with regard to your way of thinking . You may not . But accept who you have become , or are yet to become , and accept it with open arms . Not for once should you question the importance of your usefulness . You have a brain . You have an opinion . You have things to say . Do not betray yourself . Stand up and have your say

Do You Feel This Way Sometimes ?


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