Time to Hurry it Along People !

                                                                Good Evening fellow plebs and thespians in this drama we call life . I hope your day was filled with joy and happiness , and anything else that warrants a mention . You are all truly wonderful for having hung in there for so long . God knows its never easy , but sometimes certain things occur that need a special mention . And I know I have been watching and commenting on a lot of things that are happening across the Atlantic in fair old Land of the American Alien Species . They who adore the mighty dollar . They who would rather blow the arse out of each other in schools , rather than blow the arse out of the real guilty culprits . I.E Their government Senators and President .
                                                               You see in the land of opportunity and golden pavements , they have this system of facilities called prisons . Now these are no ordinary prisons . No these are PRIVATELY OWNED and PRIVATELY GOVERNED PRISONS . They have been built because of the lack of proper facilities for prisoners within their system . Now what you have to understand is , is that one of these prisons cannot operate successfully without a full house of prisoners . They have to be full to pay the bills and the cost for the prisons manufacture . Another condition which is worth mentioning , is that the Senators and other government officials who have supported this new system of incarceration , actually were bribed to get them on board .
                                                              So that's why you see so many innocent people being thrown into prison , or at the worst being thrown into prisons for misdemeanors or jaywalking . Even people feeding  homeless people on the streets are being incarcerated for nothing more than giving them a meal of some description . Your American laws are fucked up I say . You have truly reached new depths in bullshit .Methinks a revolution is needed . Well to be honest its already begun . Time to hurry this protest along people . Time to hurry it along !


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