The Beauty of PORK ! Take Note Mr. Andy Dinham !

                                                              There is an interfaith group called CoExist House that are U.K.and U.S.A based who are kinda stirring it up in the restaurants and canteens of business's lately . Seemingly they are promoting the BANNING of HAM sandwiches Pork Sausage ROLLS AND ANYTHING BACON in office kitchens throughout America and the United Kingdom .
                                                              They say in fact it would be good etiquette not to heat up foods that muslims might  find offensive . A certain Mr. Andy Dinham , a University of London Professor who wrote the guidelines for CoExist house has expressed dismay at any disagreement shown in relation to this proposed ban .
                                                              From a personal point of view , I find nothing offensive about eating HAM products openly . I find nothing offensive about eating PORK SAUSAGES , nor RASHERS for that matter . But what I do find offensive is someone like Mr Dinham trying to change what has always been an acceptable meat to eat , into something that is offensive to muslims .
                                                             If and when we as westerners visit a muslim country , we do so in such a way as to never offend local customs or religions . Why is it so difficult to assume they should award us the same sort of respect for customs and religion in our country ? Is it too much to ask for them to respect our views as we should respect theirs ?
                                                             So with all of that said and documented , I would like to declare that today the 6th October 2015 ,  my wife and I sat down and consumed some beautiful BACON cabbage and potatoes .Needless to say it was done behind closed doors as is our custom , but if the weather was warmer and sunnier you can bet your ass that we would enjoy it in a field , by a riverbank , outside a pub , in fact anywhere we would see fit .
                                                            So in answer to your proposed ban Mr Dinham , I counter propose that you and your like can go f... yourselves if you don't like my culinary pastimes and habits . I will and I propose also that everyone else should come out and show their utmost disrespect for your views and your stupid opinions .
                                                           This is a world made up of differing views and religions , and for one or even many to suggest while living in your OWN country that you cannot partake be it in an office or in a restaurant , of some meat relating to the pork  family , seems to me to be an absolute insult to those who are your own countrymen . How dare you Mr. Dinham , shame on you .Open your mind to the beauty of PORK .and don't try and make an issue of religion out of something that has been enjoyed for thousands of years . This PORK is a meat  , and not a religious issue . Grow the f... up .


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