To read some of my blogs , I am sure you would get the distinct impression that I was anti American . Now that is so far from the truth . You see I am not anti American people  , I am just anti American behavior in relation to the rest of the world . In relation to when the Good old U.S.of A was founded , you have been at war with somebody for 80% of your existence . Throughout history , American history I need add , the common denominator in all world conflicts has been you . You have had your greedy little fingers in every conflict that has been reported to us this century and in the last century  also. You have killed more people as a result of your greed for Oil and the Petrodollar . No one is safe from your attempt at world domination . Lets just examine a few facts , shall we ?
                                                                 Just recently Mr. Barack Hussein Obama , your president , has said that the killing sprees in your schools has become routine . I t has become an accepted part of American culture . I don't accept it , and probably you don't accept it either . You see the problem is , is that the gun lobby in America has just too much influence , and when chosen , the good old Charlton Heston  was the greatest face to sell their ideas . I mean he did play Moses and delivered his people to the promised land didn't he ? He has to be one of the good guys , hasn't he ?As always there was so much money involved , that as far as the gun lobby was concerned it had too much to lose .
                                                                People started screaming about gun control , our children are dying in schools across America was one of the headlines . And then we had the wise words  from one of your Hollywood actors Mr. Vince Vaughan himself saying ," The way to control shootings in schools is quite simple , we should arm every child going to school " . There in one sentence is your problem ! You have what you would assume is an educated man talking that kinda shit and it gets airplay . And then the rest of the lobbyists agree with him citing the constitutional rights of every American to bear arms . These guys are COWBOYS , they all have Wyatt Earp complexes . They still believe that the U.S.A is a vast wilderness that is full of outlaws and the only way to combat that is to bear arms  .They are money grabbing , greedy eyed COWBOYS .Period !
                                                               Tell all of this to the poor beleaguered parents of the children mowed down like animals in a facility that was designed to educate and not designed for slaughter
To Plant Evidence I Presume !

. Tell them about your glorious constitution that Cowboys wrote . Tell them that what has happened to their lovely children is symptomatic of a society that has accepted the killing of children in schools as a ROUTINE event . And there will be an outcry from the lobbyists , saying that this could have been prevented . They will quote all sorts of reasons other than the perverted freedom of having the ability to carry a gun while you walk to work as a constitutional right .They will blame computer games , they will quote the famous one , Guns don't kill People , People Kill People . And do you know what's really worse ? You all buy into this bullshit . CONSTITUTION , CONSTITUTION , CONSTITUTION . As my old grandmother used to say WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOX !


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