
Showing posts from August, 2015

Flibbergas & Flabbergas ! A Mushroom Tale !

                                                         Some time ago in a land far far away , something very strange happened . I was relating this event to my two granddaughters , who found it both terrifying , and yet very interesting . You see I was asked to tell them a story before they went to sleep , and not one for the usual once upon a time , I decided to both educate them , and I would try to enlighten them . So as I said sometime ago in a land far far away something kinda strange happened .                                                         In Fukushima on March 11 th 2011 there was a nuclear accident as we all know . But in a small little village outside of Fukushima , there were these t...

Ignorance ( Let this be the End of the Lie ! )

                                                         How does one defend or define ignorance . How can you plead something when all about you is saying look at me , and take notice . The trouble , the cause , and the solution is always there right in front of you , but you always choose to plead ignorance . You have become that negative aspect in our lives , that is forever chiding , forever giving a negative slant on something that will always remain beautiful and pleasant . You are that one dimensional character that always goes to prove that there is some sort of intelligence in our species . Not always obvious I need add , but when you dig a little deeper , it always astounds you as to our capabilities when everything seems worthless .                             ...

Pleased to Share ! Windows 10 Don't Believe the Hype !

                                                               I just want to tell you a little story about an experience I had last week . This experience had me pulling the little hair that I have , out of my head . Now normally things like this don't get to me , as I love the challenge of sorting something out for myself if it is at all possible . And so I went into this challenge with optimism and a kinda sense of adventure . I would not be defeated , I was going to do this .                                                               Alright lets get down to the meat in this story . Having downloaded windows 10 , the new windows operating system , I was very anxious to...

I Wish I Had A Brother !

                                                                I wish I had a brother ! Now that's something I have have never really considered until now . It has never been top of my agenda , for many reasons .The main reason I suppose is that it never seemed quite that important . But now as I am a lot older , I have a different view on stuff . I was always surrounded by women , having had five sisters . Only one of them really had my back as we would say . And not having an opinion from a like minded blood brother , was something I missed out on. Not important some might say , but having your whole life dissected and censored by too many women , well for me that was never quite fulfilling , or pleasant .                                   ...

An Open Letter to a Father !

                                                            So just piss off and leave me alone , I don't need to hear any of your lecturing or divine inspiration to be what I want to be .I also don't need your common sense or to hear about your fears for my safety when it comes to living out my life . Cause when I do it makes me want to run in the opposite direction and hide . It also makes me want to ignore every single bit of advice you ever gave me , you know it was always for your own peace of mind and certainly not for any interest in my growing up . Your job was to dose me with all you had learned , and all you had been taught . But do you not understand ? I am my own person , I have my own direction , and from now on anything I do I will do it for me and not for you anymore . All of your psychology and paternal teachings have had ...

Lily and the boys were Here !

                                                                  What a shitty pissy day today was . Rain all day with no respite for the ducks . Though it may have been miserable in one way , it was a very interesting and productive day in another . First of all I'd like to wish my daughter in law Lisa , a very happy birthday , and I hope you had a ball of a day .                                                                   Secondly thank God Chelsea won today , I was beginning to get severe palpitations just watching how badly they played . And even having John Terry sent off , they managed to scrape through their first win of the season . They have to ...

Told You So !

                                                           There was a time , probably like us all , that things that went on in my life be they good or bad , had no real effect on me , other than they were just something else to remember . Life was just too fast for us all , and we were always too busy getting ourselves ready to either go out or just relaxing after some strenuous activity . We had more important issues to deal with than what happened in the world .Then you learn about perspective . You suddenly understand that your contribution to the good and bad in the world is but a grain of sand on this human beach we call life .                                                           ...

Highs & Lows .

                                                           So here I am living blissfully in a small town in Ireland with my wife and our lovely little black dog Lucy . Kinda remotely disconnected from the big bad world , purely by distance and as the crow flies .But as you all know , I try from time to time to connect whenever and wherever possible to an ever increasing readership . But what really gets me is that as I am writing this , I know full well from my readership figures and their collective locations , that someone in India , a lot of people in Russia , vast numbers in the U.S.A , France , China ,Thailand are actually going to take time out and read these pieces of analysis that emanate from my consciousness and imagination . Now that for me is telling , now that for me is truly numbing .           ...

Everything is Possible !

                                                     Go on tell me then . Tell me what its like to be you . Tell me all the things that have you the way you are , and please whatever you do don't hold back , we wouldn't want the masquerade that is you to be anything less than one hundred percent , now would we ? Everyone has taken their places in their assigned locations and are waiting diligently for you to spew whatever mischief you have built up over many many generations , finally to be made available to all of us peasants . Some have waited their whole lives without success to be involved in some small way , when the ushering of all of this new world information was going to be made . So without any more ado's , please continue in the manner that only you could get away with .                     ...

Me Personally , I don't give a Shit !

                                                              In another lifetime it was easy to be yourself , just yourself . You were a wonder of the modern world , and it hurt not being able to be a little flamboyant , because of who you were and who you were supposed to be . With the passing of time that difficulty has practically disappeared , and that passing makes it so much easier to be your real self .                                                              The timing of so many events and happenings seem quite random , until you actually think about it . Random is something being accidentally unexpected , surprise beyond expectation that makes you think that maybe t...

The Enlighteners !

                                                               Its been kinda a quiet day . There hasn't been much getting up my nose of late , and I find that quite disconcerting . As you all know even if there's nothing happening I can dream something up and just put it out there . What has me all a quietness , well your guess is as good as mine , but if it continues I may just find myself a new way of passing the time that doesn't require too much thought .                                                               Though I have been very happy with the increase in the readership .My words of wisdom know no bounds . They are sent to me from on high , from the wilderness...

Beard !

                                                           I miss my Beard !

A Ghost in my Machine !

                                                        Being forever the optimist , you'd wonder what could possibly change my position regarding the same . I never get paranoid , well nobody has complained about my demeanour recently , so I'll take that as a positive . But you know when something is not sitting with you too well ? You kinda feel that because certain things are happening so out of character , that well something you think is amiss .                                     Take for instance last Friday , I go to my laptop and practically every app I use is asking me to change my password . Normally if one asks I will put it down to something updating or whatever , but when most of them ask you kinda feel something is just not right .  ...

Maybe its the Drugs !

                                                             For some reason today is going to be epic . For some reason my thoughts are simply nothing but positive . I will not let anything of negative value enter my conscious or my subconscious , effective immediately . You can tell me the saddest story imaginable , I will laugh at you . Not in a rude or insulting way , put  simply I am going to ignore you . The heavens can open and flood the earth , I will find a boat with some good tunes being played aboard , and I will laugh and dance until those watery floods should subside .                                                             What is the purpose of today's revelatio...

The Obedient Box !

                                                            Isn't it amazing when you dare to speak out about false flags and conspiracy theories , the amount of people who are interested in the same , can be somewhat surprising . I am basically speaking about my previous blog when I kinda opened up a little with regard to some of the events that have unfolded in the good old U.S of A. Sometimes I just go off on one , and where I end up well , even I seldom know . But you can always be guaranteed drama , me being fairly opinionated and all . That's what I have set myself out to do ,to always have an opinion . Think for myself , rather than be led . We as individuals let ourselves be led and be easily coerced into thinking and doing inside the obedient box . Its when you decide to think outside of that box and do outside of that box , that...

Are you All Fu..... Mental ?

                                                             So sometime soon in the near future , there will be an event that will rank alongside the false flag 9/11 slaughter of innocent American citizens , carried out by their own lying imperialistic government . Who pointed the finger of blame at all and sundry , and tried be it unsuccessfully to get their own people to back them . They have been found out to be liars , they have been found out to be the perpetrators of pure evil upon their own people . And tell me , who is going to stop them ?                                                             I have heard from people in the know that there are certain elements within the...

Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job!


Being Special !

                                                        What is it about Sunday , especially if you are lucky to have the sun shining and some of your family around you ? There's four of your grandchildren , your daughter , your son in law , and never forgetting your wife . You make something simple for all , some roast chicken , some pizza , and a few other bits and pieces . To lessen the washing up , as we all know is a pain in the ass , and particularly if there has been a number of people present , the good old cardboard plates were the order of the day . I mean the kids don't mind as long as there's something on the plate , so rejection of the Sunday dishes was never going to be a problem .                                             ...

The Prime Candidate Part 2 !

                                                          Now to understand what I am talking about here in part 2 , its kinda necessary to have read part 1. Its not compulsory I need add , but you'll have a better understanding of what this comment is about . So with all of the introductions out of the way , let me proceed .                                                          Knowing and understanding how people are chosen for jobs , will give you an understanding of what life is all about . Forever and a day , we have been interviewed , we have been instructed , we have been taught , we have been lectured , but most importantly we have always been equated in some shape or form . From the day w...

The Prime Candidate ! Part 1 .

                                                             I've been thinking , not always a constructive way to start one of these blogs , but anyway I've been thinking .                                                             When we were all in school , you remember don't you ? When exam and aptitude test time was nearly upon us , there would be so much studying and grinding going on , there certainly wouldn't be anytime for messing about , you remember ? You would sometimes ask your siblings or your parents to throw pertinent questions at you from  an exercise book , all the while worrying whether you were going to get any of them right . You Remember ?     ...

Vertigo !

                                                                   I've been kinda lazy for the last few days . Well when I say lazy I've just had other things to do , and one of them was trying to recover from my first ever experience with Vertigo .                                                                    There I was sitting down enjoying my dinner , and suddenly my head started spinning . It wasn't the food , I mean I did cook it myself , and there were other people eating at the same time as me , and so it wasn't that . I stood up feeling nauseous , but what really frightened the shit out of me was the way I was being pulled all to one si...

Attention Sandra King ( Do You Have Similar Stories ? )

                                                                  You sit in the waiting room waiting for your name to be called . You're trying to pass the time by reading something , anything that'll take your mind off the next hour or so . This is one appointment that's at the bottom of your list of things to do , but it needs to be done , and unfortunately today's the day .                                                                   You can handle most things that are thrown at you , because you have no real choice in the matter . But when it comes to this particular appointment , lets just say you'd rather lie on a bed of nails . Its not that you're ...