Thank You So Much P !

                                                                  Today has been a very liberating day for me . Things I haven't dreamed about touching upon have been spoken openly about for maybe the first time in over twenty five years . You see anytime I have had parties ,christenings , confirmations , or any other type of celebration in my life there has always been something missing . Something so fundamental that was always lacking in my celebrations . And certainly not something that is replaceable . So anyone who has or is in my position will understand the true extent of that hole in your life that is called family .
                                                                  To people who don't know me its sisters , no brothers , and the extended family . These are the things that have been missing throughout my life , and throughout my childrens lives . They have been deprived of aunts , uncles , cousins , I think you get the message . Because of that to a degree I have felt guilty , but then why I re-examine the reasons why , I suddenly realize that I did the right thing , both for me and my children .
                                                                  When a family breaks down because of a property , to me it seems like that the family was never important in the first place . When greed and irresponsibility go hand in hand , it will always be a recipe for disaster . And why was I not surprised when I was warned of this , and it turned out to be true ?
                                                                  But today I connected with someone , who by the way had no involvement in any in those woes and as I know myself never had been , and I feel so liberated . I feel so sure now that all of my decisions had been right . Because for over twenty five long years I have questioned , doubted , disbelieved , so many of my decisions that at times you just feel like giving up . As time goes by you begin to ask yourself , did  that really happen ? Did those family members throw you and your family out on the street . How could these sisters do that , what was their collective thinking . Did they really think or convince themselves that they were ridding themselves of a monster , created to justify their actions ? Today and over the last few days I received my answer . They Did !


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