It's Getting a Bit Hairy at This Stage !

                                                           The list is endless , the themes are excruciatingly technicolor . The searches are never ending , and you feel exhausted . You try to look past whats normal for this type of situation but when you are experiencing this there is never anything or anyone to compare it to . You have definitely walked yourself into a cul-de-sac , and you can't turn round . You have effectively entered your version of the twilight zone . What a strange place to be , like Alice through the looking glass you are encountering all of your heroes and villains , and forget heroes now , they are all just villains .
                                                          You know this is not real , but it still doesn't help when you try to escape from your nightmare , you then think you've woken only to be accosted by some other hallucination that's even worse than the previous one . This goes on all night , and there is not an exit in sight , and even if there was , its pretty safe to assume that that too will be blocked .
                                                          How do these colorful but yet scary things get into your head ? I mean its not as if you've been downing tabs of acid all your life , now there would be a simple excuse . No its like Walt Disney has run amok in your sub conscious and has been given an open canvas to mess up your head . And he does , and yes It does .
                                                         You try and search inside for a reason why , and asking why of the indescribable is like asking the meaning of life . There is too much confusion there , and making sense of it would and could be never an option .
                                                         What's this ? Am I slowing down ? Has Alice come out of the rabbit hole ? Can I see daylight approaching ? Seems like I can , my mouth is no longer twitching , my hands have suddenly become unfurled . I sense a peace coming over me , I feel a weight has been lifted . Has my hair gone grey , or has it always been that way ? When I rise a little later , I will ask of myself these very pertinent questions , unsure of a comforting answer . But I will discard Walt Disney , once again , and I will exit this world of technicolor .
                                                        Man I will have to stop eating so much spicy food before I go to bed , its getting a bit hairy at this stage !


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