Muito Obrigada Portugal !

                                                                       Good afternoon everyone , I have just noticed a large contingent of readers from Portugal have joined our band of interested parties . I would like to welcome you all and would like to thank you for the support . As anyone who has read my posts before will explain , I write for me , and if my ramblings and writing gives you something however small to think about , well then I have served the purpose that was present when I decided to do this
.  I don't take my blogging too seriously , but there are times I just need to go off on one , and believe me that is and will be quite often . It serves to remind me that whenever something of substance happens , or is said by someone , I will berate , I will congratulate , I will compliment , but will always give my honest opinion for what its worth . You may not agree with me , and that's ok too. Feel free to chastise me if you think something needs highlighting or corrected . We are all here to either listen and learn , or to inform and educate . Sounds rather formal , but it is not meant to be . You might even say sure what's the point . The point is we entertain each other every moment of every day , in so many different ways . And this is just one of them . Muito Obrigada Portugal ! 


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