All I wanted Was My Breakfast ! ( Company Policy ) The Falling Down Syndrome !

                                                           You're just an ordinary human being like us all . You are no better than anybody else , and that is something you need to remind yourself of . Well at least some people need that type of reminding .
                                                           You see them everywhere , and you can spot them from a distance . They lurk behind counters , they can be seen in supermarkets , to be honest they are everywhere .These are the nightmares you encounter from time to time , and thank heavens it doesn't happen too often , but then that depends on your luck at any given time . But when it happens to you your defence antenna's stand boldly up and they prepare you for anything that these beings throw at you .
                                                          You're wondering exactly who and what I am describing , well if I said someone who just bumps into you and assumes every bit of space on the planet is theirs , would that strike a chord ? That knowitall behind the counter who treats you as if you're from another planet , and tries to educate you on how you should behave , does that strike a chord . The guy on the train who says to you take your bag off the seat opposite as someone might just want to sit down there , do you recognise him ?
                                                          But the worst one that I have experienced is the one who tells you , you are one minute late for the early bird menu , and as a result we cannot serve you .  . I now have a description that I use when trying to explain the effects of such downright bad manners and lack of understanding . I simply call it  "The Falling Down Syndrome ". I take that title from the movie of the same name , starring Michael Douglas . The story is simply about a guy who has had enough . He abandons his car on a highway because the traffic is not moving , and decides to walk home instead across fields close to the highway . He arrives at a fast food restaurant and orders the breakfast , the guy behind the counter looks at the clock behind him and sees its a minute past eleven , and breakfasts stop at eleven . He informs stressed out Michael that breakfasts have finished .After what feels like an eternity Michael thinks to himself I want this breakfast , and proceeds to take a gun out , points it at the guy behind the counter and asks will this change your mind and make you a little less of a "Company Policy " person ? He replies absolutely , do you want to go large sir he asks , to which our hero Michael explains , all I wanted was my breakfast .
                                                       It doesn't matter how you look or feel about this story , the simple fact is Company Policy is a pain in the ass . It suits no one else but the store or company , certainly not you . So the next time you encounter such bad behaviour , and of course Company Policy , think of what Michael would have done . It will have made you feel a whole lot better .


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