
Showing posts from February, 2016

People of Ireland , WILL YOU NEVER LEARN ?

                                                                    I am sorry to say that when someone does something unfavourable toward a society or person it can tend to make your self preservation antennae stand up . It makes you a little more cautious when it comes to having any more dealings with them , I think that's safe enough to say ? I mean as the old saying goes " Fool me once shame on you , Fool me twice shame on me .I have always been of that opinion and to be honest it has always stood me in good stead too .                                                                    How anyone , having been shit upon by a society or some indivi...

Get Down to that Polling Station and Vote . NOW !

                                                                     This little piece will be short and sweet . I just feel that it needs to be said and that people need to be reminded about certain things .                                                                      While you're maybe at home today , or in work , and you've had not a particularly nice day , and you're saying to yourself its a bit cold out there , and its pissing rain too . Do I really need to go ALL THE WAY DOWN to the polling station to cast my vote ? Sure my vote won't matter in the least , ah f... it I'll just sit here on facebook or something and relax . Yeah ...

Karma , We want you To Arrive in Style Tomorrow !

                                                                 There are certain things in life that can capture my attention . Some can be extraordinary in their nature , that you cannot help but be in awe of them . The opposite to that sort of attention pleasure , is the one that really gets up your nose . And its not as if it only happened recently , or all of a sudden . No the thing that irks me most of late , is this election that is coming to our doorsteps tomorrow .                                                                 We have collectively gone through tightening our belts to being so austere that Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud of us all . Every ...

Meanderings , and How Politicians Make me Sick !

                                                                  I've been waiting patiently since the date of the election was presented to the public to welcome with a baseball bat a politician on my doorstep . I've been full of anticipation wanting to air my views to somebody who is on the inside , if you follow my drift ? I mean unless you have made an appointment with one of these ass holes , its near impossible to come face to face with one of them .                                                                  Do you think there are certain abilities needed to sit o n such an important seat of Government ? Do you think there are certain prerequisit...

And Chelsea Won 5-1 , F... You Eircom !

                                                                 I am going to try and not get too excited or angry while I write this piece . Though to be honest , I can't really see that happening , and when you find out you will understand some of my obvious frustration .                                                                 Friday morning last , like any other morning , I sat down with my lovely wife for breakfast . Lulu our dog was present , so everything was as it should be at that hour of the morning . We did our normal things , caught up with the latest news , did a little facebook , you know the usual ? We finished breakfast , cleaned the place up...

The Inhumanity of Humanity !

                                                                  You know the world is full of good ideas , and it is also full of people who have good ideas . But alas sometimes when you have an idea which at the time sounded good , too many hurdles are put in your way to make that idea never see the light of day .                                                                   There are so many stories out there , and the majority all end the same way with utter and complete failure as their epitaph . People are given funding to try and establish a better way to do this or that . Their lives sometimes are taken over by an endeavour , and when they finally ...

Adding Insult To Injury !

                                                                        Throughout my working life I was always a member of a trade union of one description or another . From the memory of years ago when the shop steward used to come around on payday , which was invariably always Friday . You kinda had a sense of belonging , a feeling of being protected in relation to your rights as a worker . When the wage agreements came round I  always attended the meetings , so I would understand where our hopes lay , or if we had anything to hope for at all . The companies always declared their inability to pay a wage rise because of fluctuations in the market place , and we always assumed that to keep our jobs we must comply with whatever our Union representative told us .            ...

Cancer Treatment , The Lies We're Being Told !

                             Throughout our lives , my wife and I have have always been on the same page when it comes to our mortality . Its not something we talk about regularly , but when we do we always settle upon the same page in relation to that very serious subject . Your life , your choices , and certainly from the information that's out there your preferences when it comes to YOUR BODY .                                                                   From our experience , having watched friends of ours die as a result of a vicious , murderous disease called cancer it kinda wakes you up and demands of you to seriously consider how you would deal with such a situation . I am neither an expert or a prisoner of the Chemotherapy and Radiation...

Valentine's Hugs & Kisses !

                                                                Bringing an end to what was a very quiet but sweet Valentine's Day , I hope you were all loved and looked after to bits as you all completely deserved . I am quite tired now and am not really in the mood to blog . But I will leave you with a Valentine's poem/rhyme that has always been a real favourite of mine . I do think you will appreciate the depth with which this rhyme was constructed . Here you go .                                                     Roses are Red                                                 ...

Happy Valentine's Day , Whoever You Were !

                                                                      Today is the feast of a saint who is venerated in a very small way by the catholic church . His name was Valentine , and he was executed on the 14th February for failing to deny Christ by Emperor Claudius the 2nd . He is remembered for miraculously restoring the sight of a judges daughter , when challenged about his true vocation . So little was known of him that he was removed from The General Roman Calendar . Notwithstanding this , the Greek orthodox Church doesn't even recognize the existence of a Saint Valentine . A certain Pope Gelasius 1st decreed , that Valentine's name should be added to a group of Saints whose history and deeds were known only to God himself  .                     ...

Drake is Calling Me !

                                                              There have been an awful lot of people asking me for a more definitive explanation to last nights blog . I have had correspondence from The United Arab Emirates where there are a few readers enthralled by my rather obtuse view of the world . That was the words they used so don't quote me on this . But then seeing as you are all so intimate with my meanderings , quoting me on anything is a rather silly thing to even think of . Sure at any given moment I cannot remember or even care to remember what I said the previous evening . And the only evidence of what was said is the bloody blog itself . Sure that's no proof at all , someone might have just interfered with my ever so perfect wording , what with my memory the way it is , I could neither accept or deny what has been wri...

Support the Alien Puppy Party !

Celebrating their 1st Big Electoral Win !                                                                      I wonder this evening what we should all talk about . Should we all share our experiences from today ? Or maybe that's not a good idea , we'd probably depress one another . Too early in the blog for that sort of shit . Lets try something positive , yes ? Ok you go first , oh for Gods sake I always go first , oh alright then .                                                                     I have a sneaking suspicion that we are all going to be overthrown by sensitive , caring , loving , vegetarian aliens . The signs are all there...

Now Back to Boring Everyday Stuff !

                                                                    After a turbulent couple of days , I am kinda getting back to whatever normality that's part of the way I live these days . It wasn't easy , but then nothing is when you are talking about puppies .                                                                  Latest update is that all are doing very well thank you very much . They are being monitored closely , and are being kept warm and comfortable .                                                   ...

Karma Came Round Today , and Smiled a Broad Smile on Diamond !

                                                                      Today was some day ! I kinda knew that at ten o clock this morning when my front door bell was ringing off its hinges . I was in the land of sweet puppies and bunnies , and I was not at all impressed by idea of someone disturbing my peaceful slumber . I rose with the enthusiasm of a snail . I looked out the window and saw my son standing there , phone in hand and looking not at all happy . He later informed me that Diamond had her first puppy and the poor thing didn't survive . This sounded and felt like a bad day lay ahead .                                                               ...

Diamond , the World is Waiting For Your Babies !

Pearl , Ruby , & Diamond  !                                                                  Today I was to paint a one off masterpiece , but circumstances beyond my control meant the said masterpiece had to be put on hold . At this moment in time we are expecting our grandchild Diamond to drop any minute , so as you can well understand priorities are priorities . It would be just too much for Diamond , her giving birth while I begin my painting ? I don't really think so . My son Jeffrey wouldn't be too happy with it anyway , as he was the one who postponed the undertaking .                                                                 Have I mentione...

The Imperfect Rite of Passage !

                                                                     It takes time to get to know people don't you think ? You befriend someone . You socialize with them . Sometimes you even get to know their families and other friends , and sometimes you befriend them too . Its a gamble you are taking . I mean before you met them , you hadn't a clue what they were like , and so you go through the process of finding out whether you have anything in common . As I said its a bit of a lottery , but the one good thing about it is , that if you befriended a psycho you won't be long hitting the road and never looking back . And then sometimes you are rewarded with friendships you would never end or exchange . And that's what makes the process so worth while , don't you think ?             ...

The Evil One is Abroad !

                                                                      I had two visitors on my doorstep today . A middle aged man , and an equally middle aged woman . Before they arrived I had seen them coming up the driveway , and was about to welcome them , as you do . I opened that hallowed door , and looked at what they were going to try to peddle to me . And suddenly there it was in both of their hands the evil pamphlets , bearing the evil ones image . They tried to open a conversation with me , but I was fast . Before they either could utter a word on behalf of the evil one , I said quite directly , and firmly , " Go away hence from this Door , you representatives of the evil one , and do not darken my brightly lit door with your presence ever again " . They took the slight to their obvious enthusiastic appr...

If you Vote , you Make History !

Scumbags !                                                                          Getting back to something that resembles normality , we have been informed over the last week that there will be a general election here in Ireland at the end of this month .This election has been a long time coming , and the electorate are chomping at the bit to kick some political ass . You see a certain two ass holes and their respective parties , have been screwing this country up for too long now . They have LIED to the electorate . They have shamelessly toyed with peoples feelings and emotions . They have lined their own pockets as you would expect from Fine Gael and the Labour Party . And after telling us all how fiscal and austere we were all expected to be , they screwed up the countries books to the tune of ...

The Penultimate Solution !

                                                                       I know I have been inactive for the last few days , and I do want to apologize in advance . It was basically beyond my control , as for the last few days I have been starved of a wi-fi connection . You see the connection I have to use is one that cannot be hacked or interfered with in any way . These are some of the conditions I have to live with because of my high profile investigations . And you all know who and what I am talking about . It was a funny story one time , but not any more . I have had to endure all sorts of abuse at the hands of the authorities , just because I want to tell the truth about certain subjects .                                 ...