
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Smile That Takes Over From The Frown !

                                                                   You'd wonder why anyone would want to listen to the ravings of an aging member of society . When I say aging that could really apply to anybody , as we are all going through an aging process of one description or another . So let me narrow it down a little , someone who has enjoyed his fifties and someone who continues to enjoy life in his early sixties . Yes you'd wonder wouldn't you  , getting back to my original question ?                                                                    Its not as if I am offering bonuses or certain food stamps to attract attention . No all I...

No More The Fool , You Bastard's !

                      Now if America and one of its biggest allies in the middle east , Turkey , have decided to do this , its begs the obvious question WHY ? If the Russian bombers were allowed to use Turkish airspace in their honest bid to rid Syria of I.S.I.S , would it not seem obvious to the rest of us that America and Turkey were truthful in their support for the Russian bombardment , that I need add has been sanctioned by President Assad and his Syrian Parliament ? It would then appear that everyone was on the same page , wouldn't it ?                         But you see there lies the problem , they are not on the same page and obviously don't want to be . America have no interest in ridding us of I.S.I.S , nor do the Turks , because they are both too wrapped up in acquiring all of Syria's wealth and oil deposits . Its only when you sit down and ask yourself , w...

How are YOU Doing ?

                                                                     How are we ? Fine , is always the answer , Good is the way we portray ourselves to the outside world . I would say 99% of the time you could accurately describe our lives as being from excellent to good . But then there is that 1% that really brings you down . We all experience it in our daily lives and its shite when it happens .                                                                     You try and understand whats happening to you and you can't put your finger on it . Deep down you're telling yourself I need space , I need to be able to breathe . I need to have just ...

Who Backs I.S.I.S ?

Who Backs I.S.IS. and how ? What type of people would finance these murdering bastards ? What sort of fathers and mothers did they have , to allow them to behave in such a manner ? How can any of these people sleep at night knowing full well the slaughter they have caused to men women and especially CHILDREN AND BABIES ? You all have one thing in common , and that is the savage factor . You are all savages using religion for your own personal goals . Look at the list of countries here and what and how they have contributed to such savagery . Now look at this picture below , seeing as you are coming toward your celebration of thanksgiving and answer me this America . Do you not regard your slaughter of the Native Americans as the greatest GENOCIDE that has ever been perpetrated and never acknowledged in the history of the world ? You have never paid proper reparation to these people . And now you are afraid of welcoming refugees to America because you are afraid they might wipe you...

America ,You've Simply Got No Class !

                                   What is it about American cowboy politicians that capture the attention and the imagination of so many voters in the U.S. ? Is it something to do with the level of education over there ? Are they brainwashed ? I mean seriously folks , every one of your presidents this century , and save but one or two in the last century were self ingratiating extremists !                                    And now we have the Christian Zionist era . And everyone is screaming about how true their God of choice is . And how the Christian elements in America cannot help but support the Zionist agenda . What's that all about ?                                         Oh no we would never all...

Breaking News (America and Israel have found a Syrian Passport on The Titanic !)

When it comes to American Intelligence and Israeli Intelligence , something always seems to be a bit off centre . The information and disinformation coming out of their collective Intelligence agencies IS JUST NOT INTELLIGENT !                                   Where do you start when you want to give examples ? Oh yes lets start with 9/11 and the finding of a passport that was purported to be one of the terrorists who just happened to be on one of those airlines that crashed into one of the twin towers . I mean the heat was strong enough as you have said yourselves to burn through solid steel , but apparently this passport survived all of this . Like HELLO !                              This sort of bullshit is typical of both your intelligence services , and excuse me for asking , but do you think people actually believe y...

A Bacon Loving Household !

                                                                     Its Saturday tomorrow , and that can only mean one thing in this household . And that is and what has been the tradition for the last 30-40 years , of having One Slice Of Bacon , Three Pork Sausages , Two Slices of White Pork Pudding , And one Egg for our Lunch .                                                                     So why am I sharing this with you ? Simple , there are elements within government and on social media who would have you tear up your traditions because they might offend some people . I am all about not offending people , but give me a break ! Trying t...

Sharing an Imperfection !

                                                                     You know nobody's perfect , and to act as if you are is denying yourself the ability to reason sensibly and correctly . You create yourself a universe of twisted and stretched pictures that you call reality . And its so far from what you need and what is good for you , that you can permanently disable the human flow within yourself .                                                                      I then ask myself why I have brought this subject up in the first place ? I suppose its because of the way you can see people interacting from time to time in an all too famil...

America , where do your Allegiances Lie ?

Looking at both of these pictures tells me all there is to know about America and where your allegiances lie                Your number one allegiance has always been the almighty dollar , and you will do anything to promote that allegiance . You will create organizations of WAR , manned by the most evil of men to carry out all of your country's sick campaign's abroad and at home I need add . You are without question the most unconscionable government of people on the face of this planet . You don't understand the word SHAME  , you don't understand the word LOYALTY , and finally you will never understand the word BENEVOLENCE = HUMANE !


                                                                                            Yes it must be difficult at times reminding yourselves , especially those 5 Governors who will not accept refugees from Syria because of last Fridays killings in Paris .                                               I can see why its so hard for you to understand America , but the horse has truly bolted now THE WORLD KNOWS YOU FUND I.S.I.S , THEY KNOW YOU CREATED I.S.I.S .                                  CLOWNS IN GOVERNMENT .

Slaughtering Innocents ! NEVER IN MY NAME !

                                                                      I am the controller of my space . I am the person that's most likely called upon if there are troubles in my life . I am the one who decides whether I should do something or whether I shouldn't . Its my conscience that will decide the rights and wrongs about things . I may not get it right all of the time , but it will be my fault , it will be my victory , or it will be my loss .                                                                      Having never been the type of person to bow down to mass hysteria or pressure of any kind , I hold all of my feelings and emoti...

Too True America !


American Bombing Based Purely on SUPPOSITION !

                                                                    People have said with the influx of refugees coming into their countries , it can only destabilize their economies . It cannot be good for self confidence within our communities , be it here in Ireland or elsewhere for that matter . But the one common denominator will  always  be the feelings of support these Syrian refugees will get from decent concerned human beings .                                                                     Decent people understand that the circumstances surrounding their mass evacuation from their home country , wasn't something they had any ...


                                                                    So Bolivia , Belgium and China have joined our special league of readers . Thank you for taking the time and the interest in what's being said here . As I have said so many times before if an insight is shared , and it makes some sense , and you feel that somewhere and somehow its worth commenting on , well then you will have made my day . This blog is about opinion , and in that sense , yes it's about mine , and I earnestly want you all to do the same . Put your opinions out there , share them , see if you are not alone in feeling the way you do about certain issues .Believe me its great for the soul , and for once in your life you will feel a sense of worth and a sense of being . Not for one minute should you feel your opinion and voice doesn't cou...


                                                                     So now it begins . Retribution will be the call card for every single act of violence in the Middle East . Every single movement will be  regarded as an act of war against the Allies , against Europe , against civilization . The speed with which France retaliated is so deafening to the ears , and so blinding to the senses . The media are saying that the bombs dropped on Raqqa Syria are not to be termed as a wanton act of revenge , or carpet bombing , but rather a coordinated strike on positions they have confidence in hitting the I.S.I.S enemy .                                                         ...

Do What You Do Best , GOOGLE IT ! 6630507

                                                               In a world of conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory , we get so bogged down in detail . We see enemies everywhere . You only have to look at your television screen and the fear factor jumps out at you all of the time . Bombings here , bombings there . People dying in excruciating pain , and have been for many many years , when there have been ways that governments do not see fit to share with us , to relieve said pain and in some cases cure diseases .                                                               You see as I have said in many previous blogs , sickness and pain is big money to the corpora...

Praise to Whoever or Whatever you Believe In !

                                                                 Isn't it wonderful to see all the outpourings of sympathy and solidarity with all the effected in Paris after last nights atrocity .  Its at times like this when some indescribably savage event that has happened ,  makes people all over the world want to link arms in defiance and say to all terrorists that their actions and savage behaviour are unacceptable . That it doesn't matter who your God is , that if you are guilty of this crime , or support the crime in any shape or form , you are nothing more than a blot on the face of the planet .                                                             ...

Palestine Recognition , A Grave Mistake( Says Netanyahu ) He Told France !

                                                             Benjamin ( ZIONIST ) Netanyahu , a truly horrible and dishonorable man , warned France that it would be a grave mistake for them to recognise a Palestinian State in a vote . He claimed , that Israel is the home of the Jewish people , the only state that we have , and the Palestinians demanding a state do not want to recognise the right to have a state for the Jewish people , he told members of Israels growing Jewish community from France .                                                             Never once acknowledging the fact that they had robbed Palestine of its land , and had terrorized the Palestinian people since be...

France , J'en Suis Vraiment Desole Pour Votre Troubles !

                                                                 I would like to extend my sympathies to all of the families effected directly by what happened in Paris on the evening of the 13th November 2015 . There are no words that could possibly express the feelings of pure horror that I and the rest of the world feel as a result of such slaughter .                                                                 So many innocents went out last night to maybe enjoy a concert , watch a football match , or just to go out and have dinner with friends and enjoy an evening of laughter and conversation . And Paris , what you witnessed was nothing but pure evil . ...

Israel The Pigs Of War !

 You won't get many Jewish people in Israel  who will agree with Amira Hass's sentiments . You would probably get a response more negative than you could ever expect . You see the reason for that is that Israel are so economical with the truth that even the liars are having problems with what they remember .  Because as we all know lying takes a bit of dedication . It requires you to remember the bullshit that they ( The Israeli's ) keep falling over .You will hear of Israel being under attack by the Palestinians , but who are they talking about ? I mean all of their men have been slaughtered . Their children just like the one shown on this page , are being murdered day in and day out , and again just as the picture says , you'll never know  any of those poor children's names . So in the name of fair play and justice , anything coming out of Israel should be boycotted . Not a stone should be left unturned in the pursuit of destabilising the Pigs of War . ...

A First Lady with no Individuality !

                                                                          Isn't it so hypocritical when someone with as much influence as Michelle Hussein Obama decides to highlight an issue which YES is very worthwhile , but says nothing when it comes to all of the young girls and boys who her husband Barack Hussein Obama has unlawfully killed in what he describes as necessary conflicts ? In what he describes as important global issues ?                                                                           Bandwagons are for one purpose and one purpose only , to serve peoples own goals , and to deflect from the re...

Patriotism is Slavery ! ( Leo Tolstoy )

Just today I came across something that was uttered by none other than the Russian novelist and historian Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy , better know to everyone else as Leo Tolstoy .                                                                 Now the only reason I bring this up is that after sharing with you my views on war and more importantly War Mongering , I kinda feel that fate and coincidence played some part in attracting me to these words shared by Leo Tolstoy . I agree wholeheartedly with everything he says , and just makes my writings on the subject seem a little more pleasing .                                                               Don't let yourse...

Child Beauty Pageants Kinda Gives the Game Away !

                                                           Hello America , nice to see a little bit of interest from the land of the Free (NOT) and the home of the Brave ! Suddenly there is interest out there in what really is important to the 99% .I do not want to give the impression that I am slagging off Americans ad infinitum , just your rule makers and politicians who have always had a hidden agenda . And that same agenda was never one that was going to be of any benefit to ordinary folk . I think you have already come to grips with what they are doing , please say you have .                                                           So , staying in that sort of territory , I have just found...

Have a happy & PEACEFUL Remembrance Sunday !

                                                             Remembrance Sunday , I am sure everyone has their own opinions on the subject , and I am just about to share mine . That's what is known as freedom of speech , something that is slowly being whittled away by governments and big Business . Because quite simply they want you to be submissive , to do as asked , and to play along with their savage dictating of how we should live our lives .                                                             You see the 99% suffer from and altruistic sense of fair play , and good will to others . That is not top of the 1%'s agenda . No , they continue to sell their arms to anyone who wi...

Have the Happiest of Diwali's India !

                                                      I would like to add my voice to the growing movement in pursuit of the battle between good over evil . The victory is always won by the good elements in life . This is according to all Indians , be it the stories of King Rama from the North of India , or Lord Krishna from the South , or Lord Vishnu in the West , they all have and had one thing in common , and that is the celebration of Diwali .                                                      Diwali is The Indian festival that brings to a close their harvest time , which sets themselves up for the New Year . They celebrate this festival for five days , and during this time the importance of light is ever present ...

Methinks you have a Big Problem America ! Murder is Murder !

                                                               For those who have never heard of him , let me introduce you to Jim Pasco , executive  director of the Fraternal Order of Police in the good old U.S of A. Jesus you never cease to amaze me America . Seemingly he has just threatened film director Quentin Tarantino for comments he made in relation to the huge amount of murders perpetrated by police officers on the beat . Quentin said that he wanted to have his say in relation to all of the killings by police officers , and gave his opinion that people who are murdered are simply the murdered . But just as important is the acknowledgement that the murderers be they police officers are the MURDERERS ! That kinda makes a lot of sense don't you think ?                   ...

Getting too Big for your Boots !

                                                               After my blog about the return of the American Cowboy , I was inundated with comments of understanding and backing . I was surprised to say the least , seems like there are more people listening and thinking for themselves than I was giving credit for . Well done people , it takes a lot of courage to admit what's wrong with any system of government . Lets just accept that as an opening to a brand new awareness , lets carry on the good work with sharing and outing anything and anyone who is either getting too big for their boots or who is intentionally causing distress to innocent parties or individuals . Lets do it people , lets claim back what is ours . Don't them smiles just make you wanna throw up ?