
Showing posts from October, 2015

America's Complicity in Terrorism !

                                                            ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS A DAY ! That's how much of the taxpayers money in the United States of America , they give to a TERRORIST country so that they can ROB somebody else's land and country . That's the sort of aid that would better be used on education , better be used of homelessness , better used on the health services , but NO Barack Hussein Obama would rather give it to ISRAEL so that they can bomb the Bollox out of Palestine . So that they can kill every man woman and child in that sad sad place .                                                            Imagine the unlikely scenario , Barack Hussein Obama awarded the Nobel...

Jimeoin Comedy Genius !

Jimeoin Comedy Genius !

Jimeoin Comedy Genius !

                                                           As you know , if you read last nights blog , I have been pretty busy over this Bank Holiday week-end . We had that hilarious episode at the cinema on Saturday night , but we also went out on Friday night . I nearly forgot to mention it , and I shouldn't have , because we had a ball with our son and his wife when we went to see Jimeoin at the Vicar Street venue .                                                           Jimeoin is a stand up comedian , if you don't already know . We have seen him countless times on television , but Friday night was the first time for us to see him in the flesh , and live he certainly was . To describe his...

A Very Common Occurrence !

                                                            My wife and I went to the movies last night with some very good friends . So what , what's so special about that I hear you say ? Well to be honest , nothing really . I mean a lot of people go to the movies all the time and they don't go as far as to blog about it . Right ? Well they aren't me and if I want to do it , to hell with it , I will .                                                             The four of us entered the cinema for the 9 pm showing of The Martian with Matt Damon in Cinema 6 at 8.55 pm . Found our seats row G , Seats 2,3,4,and 5. and settled in . We chatted a little while we waited for the showing to start ...

Palestinian Children ! Who Speaks for Them ? Part 2

                                                                Now having read my previous blog , you kinda get a picture of inequality . You get a distinct feeling of something not being fair or balanced . The statistics as well as the details of how many are being killed an maimed in Israel as opposed to Palestine . For too long we have turned a blind eye to the suffering of these people . We have ignored their calls for help and above all justice . They were thrown literally to the wolves of  Israel and the wolves of The United States . Not one news service took up their plight . No one  was interested in a country that was being ripped apart by a pro Israel United Nations , and their lands confiscated and given to the Jews .                         ...

Palestinian Children ! Who Speaks for Them ? Part 1

Palestinian Children Trying to get to School !                                                                If like me , when it comes to the welfare of children , nothing should ever prevent their development , and nothing should ever stop them from growing up in a decent loving and safe environment . For me , probably like yourselves , these conditions for children should always be to the forefront of our thoughts and deeds .                                                               Now imagine the exact opposite of what I have just described . Where everyone and everything is preventing the development of children . They are growing up in an unsafe and savage cou...

By The Hands of your Own Government ! You Never Made it Home !

                                                           Imagine , You're a young American man , between the age of twenty and thirty and you've been training with the marines . You've been training so that one day soon you too can become a soldier and do all the things a soldier dreams of doing . You dream of passing out , and confirming your position within the military family . You have aspirations that might propel you to the top of your field , and you work hard trying to achieve these goals .                                                           Your father and mother support you in this endeavour , knowing full well that this is exactly what you've craved and wanted all of your grow...

America Have you Learnt Nothing ? ( The Blood of Innocents )

                                                                 Eric Harris , Dylan Klebold , Jeffrey Weise , Seung-Hui Cho , Steven Kazmierczak , if I was to ask you do you remember any of these names , and what they are famous for , what would your answer be ? Would you have the faintest of ideas who these people actually are ? What they did and became famous for ? Well I wouldn't be too surprised if the majority of you would say , haven't got an iota . Never heard of them , so tell me , how are they famous ?                                                                 If I mentioned Columbine Colorado , Red Lake Minnesota , Blacksburg Virginia ,Sandy Hook or ...

Time to Hurry it Along People !

                                                                Good Evening fellow plebs and thespians in this drama we call life . I hope your day was filled with joy and happiness , and anything else that warrants a mention . You are all truly wonderful for having hung in there for so long . God knows its never easy , but sometimes certain things occur that need a special mention . And I know I have been watching and commenting on a lot of things that are happening across the Atlantic in fair old Land of the American Alien Species . They who adore the mighty dollar . They who would rather blow the arse out of each other in schools , rather than blow the arse out of the real guilty culprits . I.E Their government Senators and President .                         ...

Stand up and Have Your Say !

                                                              I have been avoiding the news as of late . I am trying a new strategy in life , I am promoting all feelings of positivity . If the sky fell down I would look for somewhere to sleep it off . If Enda Kenny was assassinated and the rest of his crew were put to the sword , I would look on the positive side . Though , on reflection that is a positive side .                                                              If my wi-fi signal got lost and there was no way to communicate , I would simply read a book and be done with it . I am trying my best here to be positive , so go along with me .You see you want to see the posit...

These People I Represent are ALIENS !

Every one A LYING BASTARD !                                                              Well Barack how do you feel about the fact that I have taken over the mantle with regard to Syria and their continuous problems ? To be honest Vlad I was wondering myself when and not if you were going to get involved . I mean we have fucked up so much over there , and the blame as always is thrown straight at me . You do understand that my advisers have advised me very badly , and I now get the suspicion that somebody wants to take me out . Yes , these are the things that we have to put up with , but to be honest I'm amazed that you and those imbeciles you represent are still alive . Now what and who would you be referring to Vlad ? The Rothschilds and the Rockefeller's of course , sure there the same people that have put you in so much both...

Christina Noble , A Very Special Lady !

Deirdre and Christina                                                                   I had the pleasure of watching a movie about the life of a certain Irish lady the other night . The lady in question was Christina Noble . She was born in Dublin in 1944 , and suffered a dreadful childhood as a result of her poverty stricken family and the hard times she and her siblings had to endure . But throughout her childhood she was a shining light in an era that was so full of darkness and neglect . Suffice to say she grew up not without her upbringing being and having a huge influence on who she would become . She would find solace and comfort in her determination to bring her sort of help and aid to the poor unfortunate children in Vietnam .                       ...

Chao Mu'ng Vietnam !

WELCOME AUSTRALIA BIENVENUE FRANCE                                                             I would like to welcome the new readers from Vietnam , France and Australia . Its truly amazing the power of communication . One minute you think you are talking to yourself , and then out of nowhere people just start getting involved . You have raised my blogging spirits today , thank you and continue to read . I am obviously touching on subjects that attract attention , and I will continue to do so . Do me a favour though , just because I may go off in to the trees with some of my stories , do bear with me , as it will probably be explained the why's and the how's . CHAO MU'NG                                           ...

The Truth Pulls no Punches !

                                                            As a parent myself , I have always reminded myself that when you do something , be it good or bad , you must always take responsibility for it . You can't just deflect responsibility for something , because you have been found out . You can make up all sorts of excuses for what you've done , but at the end of the day its all down to you , and an excuse is simply that an excuse .                                                            An excuse is just a polite and easy way of saying please excuse me for having fu.... up .Please excuse the way I behave because that's just who and what I am . As I said you can deflect , and send p...

Are you ready for This ?

                                                              Ok it seems I am getting back to normal now , well normal as normal can be , in my little world . I have been quite busy over the last few days and am starting to feel my toes again . Nothing as dramatic as it may sound , I was entertaining with my wife two little ladies named Zoe and Alannah , my grandaughters to you . On Sunday we then celebrated my daughters birthday , and had a wonderful time with her boys and Lily . So as you can see I have been enjoying myself over the last few days .                                                              So with all of that out of the way , I am in a position to continue wi...

Entertaining two young Ladies !

                                                           You have obviously noticed that I haven't been blogging over the last few days ? Well there's a very good reason for that . Its not that I've been unwell or anything like that , put very simply , I have been entertaining two young ladies with my wife . The ladies involved are my two grandchildren , aged eleven and three . I haven't had a minute for the last 3 days and that's the reason .                                                            I am physically , emotionally , and psychologically wrecked , and it will take a few days to get back to myself  . So in the meantime accept the reason for my absence , and normal trans...

The Beauty of PORK ! Take Note Mr. Andy Dinham !

                                                              There is an interfaith group called CoExist House that are U.K.and U.S.A based who are kinda stirring it up in the restaurants and canteens of business's lately . Seemingly they are promoting the BANNING of HAM sandwiches Pork Sausage ROLLS AND ANYTHING BACON in office kitchens throughout America and the United Kingdom .                                                               They say in fact it would be good etiquette not to heat up foods that muslims might  find offensive . A certain Mr. Andy Dinham , a University of London Professor who wrote the guidelines for CoExist house has expressed dismay at any dis...

Lessons Learnt ! Part 2

                                                                 I know its easy to simplify information , when you want to talk about history . I mean all we can go on is somebody else's reporting of what really happened . And sometimes some of the truth gets lost in translation , it kinda happens a lot doesn't it ? You now know we have established that history and its telling , is nothing more than a story put together by hopefully a respected author . And the more respected the author is , the more truthful the story . Well that's what you would expect .                                                                 But what I've found in life is that everyone i...

Lessons Learnt ! Part 1

                                                            No matter what country you talk about in conversation , one of the things that we all have in common in our history is revolution . Some countries started as independent republics never having to register this officially , simply because they were never conquered , they were never visited by a foreign invader , they simply existed with their tribes and their own native history .There was never any need for government , only the type that would appear from village to village , town to town . They simply and quite successfully controlled their crops , their output and their own basic destiny .                                                       ...

Wasn't Me !

                                                                 How is it possible that President after President of the United States , can stand in front of their fellow citizens and lie through their collective teeth about their innocence in world terrorist affairs ? They blame everyone and anyone in their pursuit of world domination , but fortunately in the end the world has woken up . They see those lies for what they truly are now , distractions to take your eyes off the ball . They have deceived and they have pointed the finger of blame at their own citizens , as well as the rest of the world . How the mighty has fallen , how they have reaped what they have sown .                                           ...

What a Bummer !

                                                            I hate to report this , but I went out in to the garden today and had to trim back everything . It's official the garden growing season has finished . I have been holding out for as long as possible , but you can't fool nature . It has told me in no uncertain terms to cut everything back and prepare the garden for winter .                                                            I hate this time of year when it refers to the garden , its like saying goodbye to something that has entertained you since these last six months , and won't be seen again for another six months .                 ...

Vladimir's Exploits in Obamaland !

                              When are you going to understand that your presidents in America are not working for the individual , they are working for the Mega Rich corporations . They are their elected puppets put in to place by a huge investment in their obedience to their cause . They are slaves to the established banks and media corporations , who want to drain you of your life's ambitions and your dedication to a work ethic . It has been proven many times of the existence of this culture , but a lot of us have been too entertained with games , sports , and anything else that distracts you from the serious issues in your life . We also know that Obama armed I.S.I.S along with Cameron and Netanyahu , these are obvious facts . These facts  have been re-iterated by Vladimir Putin in his United Nations address , pointing the finger of blame directly at them all .           ...