
Showing posts from February, 2015

Simply Entertainment !

                                                           I am a people watcher ,and am not ashamed to admit it .I love watching people go about their day rushing and worrying if they're gonna get to their destination on time . Its even better if you are just sitting somewhere having coffee , and are relaxed enough to completely enjoy it . The simple things in life .                                                           You see I am of the belief that we are all people watchers even if we don't care to admit it . Because I am at the age I am now , I suppose I can afford to simply watch . I don't mean that in a monetary sense , no I mean it in a sense of having the time to do it . And whats b...

Life can be Brutal !

                                                            When someone who is old and has had a very fulfilling life , when they are coming to the end of their time here on earth , it can be so upsetting and always leaves you with a sense of helplessness . Helplessness in such a way that no matter how much you worry , or how much you cry , you just know the inevitable is going to happen . I don't say this in a cold way , I am saying this with understanding in mind . But there are certain things about the ensuing loss of someone you hold dear that can be really confusing .                                                             From the time you were a child that someone was always ther...

The Shangri-La Objective !

                                                            Have you ever woke in the morning , having supposedly had a restful sleep , only to be made aware that you're really not feeling that good in yourself ? I don't mean in a sick sense , but in a mood change way ! It can be very upsetting , as you haven't even had your breakfast and you're feeling you just don't know what .                                                             You channel all your thoughts into what could be doing this to you , and you come up with no reasonable explanation . I mean you went to bed well , no disagreements there , you didn't give out to the dog , and you certainly didn't get bad news . So what the...

Heathens of the Universe !

                                                  To all you expectant readers of my blog . I apologize unreservedly for my inactivity recently . I am not going to put something up if it just isn't interesting or important . So with that out of the way lets begin !                                                   As we all have known , or have fantasized about the possibility of extraterrestrial being out there , it has surprisingly come to pass that most of the governments of the world have deemed it important to share with us knowledge that has heretofore been denied to us .                                               ...

When you Least Expect !

                                                    After that totally unsuccessful earlier blog , I find myself completely at ease now . I have just had my lunch , my belly was growling so maybe that was the reason for my inability to think straight . You see everything has to be in focus , no distractions , though I had a real nice one a few minutes ago when a beautiful little robin redbreast passed by my patio door . The rain and sleet wasn't a deterrent , she just hopped along as fat as a fool . Sometimes nice things happen when you least expect ! Here's My Visitor !

Writers Block !

                                                             Happy Monday to you all . Hope your weekends were wonderful . You're probably wondering whats coming next ? To be honest I haven't a clue . This is a state thats called bloggers block . You want to write something wonderful and with deep meaning , and all you can think about is how pissy the day is , and that it certainly is . With all the things going on you'd think you had numerous subjects to develop or criticize , and there are , but I just don't have the wherewithal at the moment . Apologies in advance ! Probably the most Interesting about this Blog !

That three Inch Roll of Paper !

                                                         From an early age I've had an illicit love affair . Its been going on these 47 years , and to be honest its probably never gonna end . I have tried so many times to end it , even replacing the object of my attention with another more up to date model . That didn't work either , it was just too different from the original model . You see once you have chosen one particular type its so hard to change to another .                                                         Now you have people continually saying , its bad for you , you will end up dead probably as a result . But ignore my love affair , well that is just and never will be an option .   ...

Rising from The Ashes .Part 2 (The Corporate Behemoth)

                                                               When you reach a stage where everything is confused and upside down its time to call in the maintenance part of your brain . You're seeing things that are so unreal to you , Thousands of smiley faces not wanting anything from you , and asking of you absolutely nothing . Your version of top and bottom has just been turned round , and you can see no way out of this . This candy coated existence you've just wandered into is getting to be a right pain in the arse . What is this place , where is this place ? Is it my conscience telling me there might be another way , and if it is why the f... me ?                                                   ...

Rising From The Ashes ! Part 1 .

                                                      This is just something that needs to be shared , though I am not one to be open about such things , and normally I wouldn't even bother but this is an exception !                                                       I woke up this morning , came down stairs , and did all the usual things I normally do . I made a breakfast that was truly scrumptious , even the dog smiled at me with her faithful look that just kinda melts you . I opened up my laptop , and everywhere I looked all I could see were smiley faces . I went straight to the news program and clicked on something that appeared interesting .The first thing that unsettled me was the fact that this particular artic...

Don't Care Was Meant To Care !

                                                         In the words of Napoleon , whats the point in having an overcoat if you can't rest your arm between the buttonholes . You're probably wondering , what in the name of God is he shiting about now . Let me make it easier for the non napoleonic masses , Why have a dog if you can bark yourself ! Still confused ? Now this is the simplest way of explaining , why ask someone else to do something when you can do it yourself .                                                         You see some people really think that because they are either married to or have become a partner to someone , that they can just in their inimitable way ask of someone else the sun...

I can Still Remember Paris !

                                                   Great to see we have some Malaysian viewers on our blog , welcome and pass it on . Its really refreshing I am going International , or maybe its just someone taking the piss more likely . Anyways welcome one and all .                                                    O k lets share , whats the most romantic thing that's happened to you today ? Was it as good as expected , I hope it wasn't ruined by an over zealous evening last night . Did he/she surprise you in any way , or was it so romantic that nobody's telling . Well if you were surprised please share as we all would like to hear about it . Maybe it will give someone a push in the right direction next year .     ...

Have a Good One !

                                                               Alright , so we all know Friday is the last day in the week to get post . So if you haven't received your expected package or letter then you're gonna have to wait till Monday . Now that's a royal pain in the ass , especially if you are expecting something important .                                                                So now you're gonna have to rely on a hand delivered package or letter tomorrow , because as we all know its Valentine's day . I just hope that if anyone out there has forgotten , well you're up shit creek without the proverbial paddle !             ...

So What Did You Do Today ?

                                                             I have to apologize for lack of content today . I have had a very busy day you see . My wife left me to clean the house today as she had to have her hair done . Any normal person would just go round the corner to her hairdresser , but not my wife . No . She got two trains , two bus's , and twice she was on the Luas .                                                             You see her hairdresser is my son Jeff , and he lives in Dublin , and we live in the country . So commuting to the other side of the country can be a little daunting . So there I was left alone , hoovering to do , washing the floor to do , cleaning and ma...

A Little bit of Divilment !

                                                          Hello dear friends and enemies , it has just come to my attention that as and from this evening my pageviews count has reached 8.012 . Holy shit ! Where are you all ? Come by say hello , lets have coffee and biscuits and we will just shoot the shit . Anything and everything will be on our own agenda , no rules no limitations and certainly no censorship ! So if you have nothing better to do , come round and lets see what divilment we can get up to . O k ?                                                          Thanking you in admiration , everyone who passed my way , and even those who chose not to . You have all performed wonderfully ! x x ...

Citizenfour , Look no Further !

                                                          Following on from my previous blog Not a Jot , I have pleasure is informing you that someone gave me access to The documentary on Edward Snowden , Citizenfour .. Because of my pre-occupation with everything post 9/11 , I found it really important to see this piece of pure documentary gold . Now I don't know how you feel about the subject of his forced exile firstly in Hong Kong , and now in Russia , but if ever a movie needed to be seen this one does .                                                          What I found was that all the things we were kept from knowing , i.e N.S.A tracking of your every movement on facebook , as well as all yo...

Do I care ? Not a Jot !

                                                          Hi again , you must be sick of me by now , but I will continue on relentlessly . You see I have found my true vocation , and its really a pity I never studied for journalism or something with regard to the media . The point I am trying to make is because I have so much time on my hands I can give my little pastime the attention it deserves . With all the words and subjects I have touched on , at this stage most of my blogs have probably been flagged . Do I care ? Not a jot !

The Nightmare Scenario !

                                                       The more one thinks about things , the more one gets confused by it all . Every little thing about your safety and security and more importantly your privacy that you always took for granted , suddenly turns out to be a complete sham . The system people so rightly fought for , gave their lives for has suddenly turned against them . You have no security , you have no safety and most importantly you have no privacy .                                                        Now these words security , safety and privacy are words we use so much more than we used to . Those three words equate to liberty and freedom , something we presume to have , but in fact we h...

Time to Re-Write the History Books !

                                                      Well hello there , its been such a long time I nearly forgot about your existence . When your life and mind is so full of critical and very important information it kinda makes you ignore that which should never be ignored , essentially you .                                                       I was having such a deep meaningful chat with my wife this morning , and she came up with this perfectly beautiful conundrum . What she said would happen , if everyone to a man decided to stop paying mortgages , stopped paying bills of every description and started living a life of complete non co-operation with the banking system ? How would they react to complete civil and e...

An Ode to President Barack Hussein Obama !

                                                          How long is it gonna take for the American people to wake up to their slavery ? How long is it gonna take for them to realize that they are being lied to at every hands turn ? When will the Americans de-stupify themselves and become just a little bit aware of just how downtrodden they are ? The answer to these three questions will determine exactly what sort of people you actually are . You're being deprived of truth , you are being lied to on a daily basis by not only your government but also by your peers . They are so wrapped up in the American dream , that it is quickly and noticeably becoming the "Great American Nightmare "                                              ...

A Foggy Sunday Evening Reflection !

                                                  What a miserable cold and foggy evening here in Ireland . Looking out the window and trying to recognize something is like trying to see while swimming in pea soup . Its been like that all day freezing fog with no let up , still it could be much worse , the sun could be shining , now there's a thing !                                                   So tell me , how has your day been ? Have you had that argument that has been simmering for the last few days ? Has he/she taken the biscuit this time and really upset your normally pleasant Sunday ? Has he had to go down the pub to watch the game on T V? Or have you just said enough is enough ?               ...

In Anticipation !

                                               Having replied to hundreds of your comments with regard to the " Nazi Bogeymen " , I feel it only proper to thank you all for your generous support and backing . You see I felt that not enough is being said about these people , I also felt that because so little was known and said about their atrocities that they were completely untouchable . So from your standpoint it has become abundantly clear that this is not the case . It makes me smile and happy to know there is some understanding and feeling in this regard .Sometimes you just need to re-assure yourself in the belief that others can and will feel the same as yourself .                                                       Thank You S...

The Nazi Bogeymen !

                                                            Be warned , this is going to be a rant of biblical proportions ! And when you have finished reading please share , pass it on , do what you like with it , but please don't ignore it .                                                             I have become increasingly disenchanted with both you Mr's Rothschild and you Mr's Rockefeller . Both your families are a disease on the face of this planet . You are both so eco-dangerous that Monsanto should devise some pesticide to rid us of your effect on this beautiful planet . You are EVIL , you are unwanted , you are the vile deepness in our darkest nightmares . You are the Bogeymen tha...

How Disappointing Parenthood Can Be !

                                                            As parents we all endure and support the ups and downs of rearing good children if we're lucky . This includes those baby times when they need nurturing and understanding . This also includes the times when they reach the start of their teens and the transformation that is the start of a whole new world for them , and mostly for you . You will guide them as you have done previously , but this time this guidance will become an obstacle in their development . Not because its not important , but simply because your teenagers feel they don't need it anymore . They are grown they feel , they suddenly realize they have an opinion and exert it they certainly do . This is a time for the brave , this is not a time for shirking or ignoring their not wanting help or assistance from you . The...

Do you get my Drift ?

                                                       So I hope you have all recovered from yesterdays revelations , and to be honest I don't know if I can look or speak to  you all with the same honesty . It took a lot to share such a thing , but I'll let you all be the judges of whether I should have or shouldn't have . Right , with that out of the way , and a forgetful brain , I can now put that in a little box marked " To never be spoken about Again ".                                                       Well I was speaking to an authority on the hereafter lately , a person of great knowledge and understanding and what he had to say just kinda knocked my socks off . He said simply there isn't one ! He ap...

Now that's Another Story !

                                                                 Long ago and far far away , there lived a couple who had three children . They were blissfully happy , except for the usual run of the mill stuff . But at this period in their lives the woman involved had a female condition know as Thrush . Now as all women know this is a very uncomfortable condition , its kinda debilitating as your energy and enthusiasm in certain areas diminish because of this discomfort .                                                                 Now as we all know , at least I think we all know , Thrush is contagious and inevitably is passed on to the male . Well with this coup...

Prologue ! An Introduction !

                                                            Due to the thousands of requests I feel it my obligation to share with you a funny moment in the strange and wonderful drama that's called my life . Not to be laughed at , not to be criticized , and certainly not to be shared . This is a private anecdote that only the true readers of my so critically acclaimed blog will be able to read . You will gasp in disbelief , you will squirm in the uncomfortable aspect of this story , but just bear in mind its all true . And in my world , that's all that really matters ! So God help me here we go..........................................

Confusion of the Masses !

                                                              A few minutes ago I posted a blog called Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis . Its a full length movie about trying to understand what the hell is going on in our world . It explains in detail how trying to get to grips with the truth is such a difficult and sometimes impossible task . Its about exploitation , its about the lack of support in our modern system . It tells stories you will find so difficult to believe , and to be honest by the end of the last rolling credits you may be as confused as you were before the movie started .                                                              I found it compelling viewing , how ...

Adam Curtis - "Bitter Lake"


Yours in Anticipation !

                                                          Now what's the silliest and most embarrassing thing you have ever done ? Or even what's the strangest , weirdest , most outrageous thing you have ever done or experienced ? It will take a lot of digging to find something worthy of that title . Some of you will be either too embarrassed to say , or even in some cases deny that said silly moment ever happened . Either way it doesn't matter , because all of those silly moments and embarrassments make our memories that little bit funnier and always brings out a smile .                                                          I have many silly moments to recount , too many to even remember , but one...

Personal Fulfillment !

                                                      Did you know that certain therapists are recommending to people who have emotional and life issues , that they should start blogging ? Seemingly getting in touch with your inner self is the key to happiness and a stress free existence ! They have advised patients that the said blog doesn't even have to be interesting , its just a way of sharing whats going through your brain at any given time . Seems good advice to me , as we all know there are times when trying to grapple with a mind that's racing at 200 hundred miles an hour can be often very frightening .                                                      That's where you can suffer from panic attacks etc. A pani...

Human Programming !

                                                    Time to be serious , how has your day been ? Have the Gods looked upon you with a smile or with a frown ? What side of the bed did you get out of this morning , and was it a pleasant experience or were you full of woe it being Monday and all  ?                                                     We kinda wish our lives away don't we ? We already can't wait for the week-end . Our lives are wished away and Monday to Friday for the best part don't really matter .Its the human condition and how we are programmed , though with the way working days no longer are just Mon-Fri , everyday is a working day to some . Some people have their week-ends mid week , maybe Wednesday and Thurs...

An ok Kinda Day !

                                                           Good afternoon all my thousands of followers . Isn't it wonderful to be alive ? Is that too cheerful for you ? I thought so , well lets just say if you don't have anything troubling you in a big way , its an ok kinda day . How does that sound ?