You Know You Can Trust Me !

                                                                         When the mind is tired , we become so open to influences we wouldn't normally consider . Influences that we would normally ignore with the wave of a hand . But because our tiredness has had a real effect on our willingness to argue and disagree , we tend to consider , or even accept something that we should simply refuse to entertain in any shape or form . And as is sometimes the case , an individual , or in some cases individuals , see that your normal wall of protection has been slightly lowered because of said tiredness , see an opportunity to take advantage and get an agreement from you that at a later stage could and sometimes is very hard to retract .
                                                                         Now at this stage you would be forgiven for thinking , that I had a very cynical view on all things human and how people behave toward one another . No need for forgiveness here , you would be perfectly right about my cynicism . Cynicism , something that is certainly not being positive in any way . But certainly something that can be a great tool in the defense of your best interests , and them being taken advantage of . Oh don't be foolish I hear from the dissenters in the back row . Unwilling to show their faces for fear of being ridiculed .
                                                                       How many times have you seen it happen , people who had been friends all of their lives , their friendships completely destroyed by envy or some bad business deal ? Maybe some family member wanting to cut you out of some lost inheritance ? Or even worse , you have lost someone special in your life , and some insensitive creep tries to persuade you that your loss shouldn't be so great because of certain facts that have been withheld from you .
                                                                      You could go on forever talking about the failings of us so so imperfect humans . But there is no real point to that . Suffice to say that the only true honesty is your own . What you decide to do with it is always your own business . But don't be disappointed when you have given all of your trust and depth to people , only to be disappointed with their actual manner of handling them both . Don't blame them , sure they're only human like the rest of us . Blame yourself for giving someone other than yourself or your partner , the wherewithal to destroy you , possibly emotionally , and also possibly financially .
                                                                     Everyone at one stage or another has experienced something like this , whether they care to admit it or not . Its not something you like to be reminded of , for obvious reasons . And if you are one of the few who haven't entered this establishment yet , well all I will say is be prepared .Because those who invariably say " You Know You Can Trust Me " , are sometimes really

saying " I Really Just Want To Know Your Business " . Its as simple as that !


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