Being Stealthily Diligent is your Only Recourse !

Are you For Real ?
                                                                             I suppose there are times when you read one of my blogs that may remind you of things in your own life . Probably because whatever I am ranting about , or just whatever I am offering has some sort of familiar ring to it . I do that to placate myself , I also do it so as I won't feel too alone in the world when it comes to the good experiences and the bad . You see I like to share of myself and of my sometimes bitter perceptions of things . Its not something I do intentionally , its more like what is there to be had in the stereotypical views we tend to digest day in and day out ? You learn nothing from the norm . The norm is what bores us all . You have to step out of your comfort zone to experience real life drama . You have to grab something that has some depth to it . Some meat on its bones , there lies the real reason for our existence .
                                                                           I suppose there have been occasions when you have read my words and reflected about how sometimes chaotic the ideas and views can tend to be . You may have even said to yourselves what the fu.. is he on about ? All I will say is don't worry . Take no heed of the seriousness of my comments . Because at the end of the day , comments is all they actually are . I don't want you worried . I really don't care any more , what I say , or who I may have offended . It would never have been my intention , but as they always say you can please some of the people some of the time etc . etc .etc.
                                                                          Which brings me to my view and comment of the day . I am sick to death of Celebrity views , having the influence that they obviously have . What a lot of people don;t understand is that just because they are celebrity does not exempt them all from being fuc.... stupid at times just like the rest of us . Madonna said this ( Jesus she must be right !) I'm going to live in Canada if Trump wins ( Miley Cyrus weeps on her twitter account ) . Lady Ga Ga holds a collective meditation session to try and bring down the amount of stress caused by Trumps election win . Do you get where I am coming from ?
                                                                         Another of my big issues today is the complete and total robbery and betrayal of young kids and how the media portray them . They are being robbed of their childhood by unscrupulous editors and promotional people . Kids as young as ten wearing make up . Being taken advantage of at every opportunity , by a circus of Magazines and Shows directed primarily at sexualising them . What people tend to forget , is that these same editors and producers are the same people who were exposed to all of the pedophilia within their industry and chose like all of the ones who went before to ignore its evil existence . Please tell me that I am wrong ! But still we


allow our children , and in my case grandchildren to be exposed to this filth that is promoted in every children's teen magazine . And all we can say at the end of the day is , Sure isn't it only a bit of fun ? While dirty , filthy perverts get off having been given the freedom to pursue such acts , from the freedom of its availability .
                                                                        You really have a not so enviable job , trying to give your children the sorts of freedoms they deserve , and at the same time trying to always make sure they are not exposed to something that is clearly dangerous . Dangerously legal I need add . What do you do ? I can feel the levels of stress and disappointment felt by both the children and the parents . Its perfectly obvious in your demeanor . You don't need a confession to work that one out .
                                                                       Being stealthily diligent is your only recourse . Good luck with that !


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