Time to Bring Down The Establishment !

                                                                        What is it about the taking of someone else's life that's acceptable to many human beings ? By that opening statement you would think I would be on the side of , well he must have been sick at the time . He had a terrible upbringing so that in some way excuses him from being treated the same way he treated his victim . Right ? Wrong !

                                                                        Then you get to the really heinous crimes against children . By the way the establishment treats these bastards , you would not be wrong in thinking that maybe the establishment is in on the crime in some way . They incarcerate these people for maybe one year or two , and then they are as if by magic , cured of their inability to attack victims so young .
                                                                        You have heard and probably read about what they get up to in a lot of private schools in England for instance . Take one simple act for instance , that was performed by an ex Prime Minister of the U.K and you get a idea of what they get up to in these schools . A pig ? Like hello , that's some very sick shit .
                                                                        Now these are the same people who will either force a law through to put these vicious criminals away , or prevent it from happening . These people have the power of freedom for these individuals or incarceration . In my mind its a very easy decision to make , don't you think ? But these privately educated ministers and law makers , find it very difficult to make that easy decision . Why do you think its difficult for them . Do they know something about some of their colleagues in government that they don't want aired in public ? Are they complicit ? Quite simply in my opinion , by their inaction to bring these perverts to justice , they in fact are as bad if not worse than the perpetrator . Because the safety of you , me , and our children , will always be at the behest of government .
                                                                       When you choose to support a particular party or candidate , you don't only elect him because of his position on the minimum wage do you ? You elect him because you believe what he and his party have promised . Which is to add a more secure response in the event of any emergency , be it social or political . You believe him when he say's things will be a lot more transparent with us . Nobody will be hiding anything from the public , and you believe this . Then one day all of your aspirations and hopes that these people gave you , is taken away when the guy you supported , is now suddenly hiding the criminal activity of one of his fellow ministers . Transparency he said . Open policies he said . Protection for you and your family he said . What a load of bollocks !
Pig Lasher  !
                                                                     So when you have finished reading this , think to yourself , would you place your childrens safety and welfare in the hands of a government that covered up Jimmy Saville's nasty activity . What's even worse is that Pig Episode with David Cameron , that's just the tip of the iceberg . Do you still not get it ? The establishment supports these activities . Methinks its time to bring down the establishment !  


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