This Will Be A Good Year !

                                                                   Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be sitting down unobserved in a room with the likes of George W Bush , Barack Hussein Obama , The Rothschild's , and maybe throw in Tony Blair for good measure ? You would just be an invisible observer of  life within the realms of control and power . You would have no content to offer , and no opinion to exercise , but the important thing would be your ability to translate all of the filth and lies that would be excreted at a meeting with these scumbags , to fellow believers in the search for an end to injustice .
                                                                   What would they talk about do you think ? Would they speak of their collective inhumanity to the rest of the world , and do you think you would hear any murmur of shame in their voices ? Would they apologize to each other for not finishing certain exercises once spoken of , and promised to be fulfilled ? Would there be a lot of back slapping and congratulatory gestures around that most comfortable of rooms ? Or  would you just wait for the evil that would inevitably appear in their untrustworthy eyes ? And realize there and then that you have come upon an evil too despicable to stay for such a long period in their collective presence .
Look at him and Realize what he truly is .
                                                                   These are the things that you must consider , even if only hypothetically . You must know the face of evil . You must recognize and declare a cancer when faced with that sort of group gathering all in one place . You must decide for yourself what must be done to these individuals . They are not your voice , they never have been . They speak for conglomerates and financial institutions that have no business promising you better conditions on their election to office .
                                                                  2016 hopefully will be the year of factual and truthful revelations concerning our future as human beings . There will be so much to take in this year , that at times it will be so surreal , you won't always see how clear and transparent it would eventually be .
                                                                 The only thing we should concern ourselves about in the new year is that all of our pre-conceived ideas about the truth as we were told , day in and day out , will be finally declared the lie that we have always suspected . This will be the year of us ALL coming to our senses . This will be a good year .


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