Shite Will Always be Shite !

This shite will always be shite !
                                                                      I have this brain that continually thinks that I need to be entertained with information all of the time . Yes I like the stimulation of brain activity , but if you are one of those people whose brain just cannot shut down , well then you understand where I am coming from . I like being stimulated , don't get me wrong , but sometimes its just nice to sit down  to relax and have a rest , you know ? Having said all of that , sure where would you be without a little stimulation ?
                                                                     So with that in mind , let me just give you my observations on something that a times tends to bother me . As you have all experienced life , its ups and downs and so many different characters and personalities , you will all have come across the bad little habits , we the human race tend to wallow in . There's the nose picking , there's the toe picking , there's the insatiable appetite we have for drama and big brother type entertainment . There are so many of them , that writing them down here would take forever , but I think you appreciate where I am coming from with this ?
                                                                    And because we have suddenly sold ourselves to an entertainment program that promotes human suffering and abuse in some cases , I personally think the whole thing has gotten out of control.
                                                                    Someone is abused verbally on television , its entertainment . Kate Hopkins makes crude remarks about children's names and exercises her freedom of speech to ridicule the afflicted , its entertainment . It doesn't matter who you are , nothing is deemed untouchable . It doesn't matter how sensitive a subject is , its fair game simply because the information is out there .And we all wallow in it . We never see an objection to content , sure that would deprive you of your freedom of speech wouldn't it ? But in my mind , there has to be a line that should be drawn . You cannot accept that the painful , and savage tyranny of an individuals rights , be allowed merely for television & entertainment viewer ratings . Its obscene , its an absolutely disgusting way to fill our lives , in the name of entertainment . I always say , If there wasn't an Audience for such shite
Hail The Pig Hopkins !

There Wouldn't be a Producer of such Shite . But unfortunately there is that audience , and shite will always be shite . 


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