Brand New Year , Brand New You !

                                                                      If you are reading this I suppose its safe to assume you've made it to the other side ? Well done , I hope you all had a blast last night . But with all of the festivities over lets just sit down and think about all of the probable and improbable resolutions that were made last night , and dare I say probably under the influence of some alcohol or maybe even something else ? No matter what your situation was , lets just remind ourselves of how we promised away our existence  last night ok ?
                                                                     Firstly , hands up who decided to give up the cigarettes for the New Year ? At midnight you ,

like others decided that the dreaded weed had to exit from your life and well done if you did . Were you one of the ones who then said well because its still basically during the night , you would see out the remainder of the night as a smoker until you went to bed ? It kinda makes sense doesn't it ? I mean you may as well have enjoyed the rest of the night without putting too much stress on yourself , yes that was a really good idea .Well done !
                                                                    Or are you one of the ones who decided the second the bells tolled that that was it . No more smoking , horrible dirty habit , keep all other smokers away from me . Don't want to be infected with second hand smoke . And as a result of your resolution , the pang started straight away , and so the only place for you , and the only sensible thing to do was go to bed . Were you one of those people ? Did you abandon your party guests ? Did you say you weren't well and did an express exit from all of your friendly company who decided to continue smoking ? No fibbing now , what was it ?
                                                                    Secondly , were you one of the ones who decided at midnight that you had to lose a stone in weight for starters , when in fact you really needed to lose two stone ? When after the bells tolled and people were in need of food to keep them going for the rest of the night , did you thank the person who was offering the food , but declined because your stomach was too upset to contemplate another pound onto your existing two stone weight balancing trick ? No fibbing now . Were you that person ?
                                                                    Or when those New Year Vol au Vents , and cocktail sausages , and those other creamy things that looked so tasty , did you just throw in the towel straight away and say sure we'll start tomorrow , daytime , when I may or may not have the self discipline to carry through my New Years resolution ? Were you that person ? No fibbing now , your husband or wife will find you out as soon as those words leave your lips .
                                                                   Do you know something ? It doesn't really matter . You will do what you want to do anyways .F.F.S you're only a second into the New Year and you're already stressing yourself out . Give yourself a chance . Recover your brain cells that you burned over the Christmas period . Your brain needs peace now , not stress . Do yourself a favour and enjoy the Early hours of a brand New Year , and thank everyone around you for the joy that was presented to you from whoever , and whatever . Brand New Year , Brand New You !  


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