Thanksgiving Hypocrites !

                                                                         And so your last Thursday in November that always signifies Thanksgiving , has come and passed , and you're all probably worn out from all of the back patting that has gone on for the last few days . You may have even survived being in the same company as your brothers and sisters , hopefully without slitting each others throats . Sat down to dinner , drank a few drinks and chatted about the local gossip and news wherever you happen to be from . All in all the usual crock of shit that's been going on for  hundreds of years . Nothing really changes .
                                                                        You have probably praised the Lord for all of his gifts received , and probably thanked him too for any good fortune that happened to come your way . A time of reflection . A time to change many of the things in your lives that desperately need changing . Top of the list , try and get your country to give back all of the freedoms they stole from The Native Americans . Give them back their lands stolen by unscrupulous policy makers and politicians . Give them back their Dignity .
                                                                       I am writing this , full in the knowledge that you have no intention of paying them a red cent in compensation . Also knowing you will never concede to even acknowledging the Native Americans as a human species . These are the depths to which The United States Of America have gone to , to ensure the continuous Genocide of a people they really don't have any time for . There was a time you could actually hide all of this information , but not any more . Every little word of protest sent , could maybe be a word that brings human rights with regard to These poor people

, a step closer .
                                                                      I , in my capacity as simply someone who detests the United States behaviour both abroad and at home , will continue to protest in every way possible , until I cannot protest anymore . I am not afraid , and have never been afraid , to express my opinion on any given subject , and will continue to do so .
                                                                     So while all of you peace loving Americans , who have just promised to change your approach and attitudes , we on the other side of the world will not hold our collective breath's , hoping that suddenly you have all experienced some sort of religious epiphany or something . We all know how big on Religious phenomenon you are over there .
                                                                    Have a wonderful return to work after the holidays . And God Bless America , The Land of the Free , and The Home of the Brave . I really don't Fu..... Think So !  


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